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It's been past 20 min's ever since pretender has done re-fixing the entire arena and waking everyone up on the stands above with the help of his clones, During that time the handful of people who were still awoke even after the release of the enormous force couldn't believe as how much power the young teens were hiding. Kami in particular becomes greatly intrigued with them and wishes to know more about the duo.

Anyway right now naruto along with yui and gaara visited both aya and reiha who were currently staying in one of the stadium rooms, Both siblings had their heads hung low in shame and they both were still thinking about that one sentence which their father said to them before disqualifying the duo.


"For using forbidden arts and endangering the lives of the all the people here, You both are hereby disqualified from this match"

~~~Flashback end~~~

Yui saw aya who was looking really depressed and sad, Seeing her precious big sister so sad like this pain yui's heart greatly. The little girl couldn't stand still in place and quickly runs towards aya and hug her tightly.

"Nee-san please don't be sad...Yui doesn't like nee-san sad, Please smile like you always do....Nee-san" Yui says but aya doesn't responds and this makes yui even more worried.

Gaara on the other hand approaches reiha and without saying anything just places his hand over his shoulder to comfort him, Reiha looks at gaara for a few seconds before once again looking down on the floor in silence.

Naruto at this point really didn't know as what to say to his siblings, He didn't understand the reason as why would their father disqualified both his siblings. Our hero has no memory of their fight since his clone was busy attending to both hinata and naomi in the infirmary.

Absolute silence completely fills the room however before any of them could say anything the door suddenly opens which gains everyone attention, They all look back and saw pretender standing in the doorway.

"F-father..." Naruto and gaara says in union while both aya and reiha just silently looks at him.

"The 5th match is about to begin so gaara you better go and naruto you get back to your patrolling duty, Feel free to leave a clone for naomi and hinata if you're still worried about them" Pretender says in a cold tone and everyone looks at him surprised by his new attitude.

"Father but---" (Naruto)

"Naruto we'll talk later!" Pretender says in a commanding tone, Hearing this naruto doesn't argue back anymore further and silently leaves the room along with gaara.

Once both jinchūriki brothers leave pretender focus his attention back towards aya and reiha who both looks back at their father with guilty expression on their faces except for yui who looks at him a little angrily.

"We will discuss in detail about what you both did today at home after this upcoming invasion is over" Pretender says to both his children who silently nod their heads.

(Back in the arena)

In the arena everyone was patiently waiting for the final match to start but most of the audience wasn't thrilled anymore after witnessing the previous match, Anyway after a couple of min's both gaara and sasuke enters into the arena and stood across each other.

"This will be the final match for today, Gaara VS Sasuke uchiha...NOW FIGHT!!" Genma shouts and the final match begins.

Sasuke quickly takes the first initiative by running straight towards gaara, The uchiha throws several punches and kicks at the redhead jinchūriki in a split second however none of sasuke's strikes hits gaara as his ultimate sand defence instantly blocks it all.

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