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After crying naruto fell asleep and as he slept he drift deep into his mind where he woke up inside a stranger sewer like place which had many steel pipes and tunnels going far and wide, Naruto look around in confusion and began to wonder as how'd he got here but he shoved those thoughts aside and start exploring the strange place.

After a few minutes of looking and walking around naruto reach a huge cage which was made of pure gold, Naruto was astonished but as he look closely he notice a small piece of paper on the centre of the huge cage which has 'SEAL' written upon it.

Naruto approach the huge cage but upon getting near it he suddenly stop a few metres away from the humoungous gate as he felt someone's intense gaze upon him from the other side.

Naruto look closely and saw a pair of red beastly eyes on the other side that were looking at him very intensely.

Naruto look closely and saw a pair of red beastly eyes on the other side that were looking at him very intensely

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Naruto went pale and quickly backed away in immense fear.

'W-what is that...' Naruto thought while shivering nonstop.

??? - "Well well, Would you look at that. It seems my jailer has finally decided to pay me a sweet visit even though it's really early if i'm to be honest" Said the voice from the other side of the cage.

"W-who are you and...What do you mean by jailor...T-tell me where am i..? A-are you the one w-who brought me here..." (Naruto)

??? - "Ugh so many questions at once, Would you stop your damn blabbering for a moment you brat!! I'm already having a big headache from all these ridiculous questions"

"O-oh...I didn't mean to bother you, I'm sorry mister fox..." Naruto apologized but this gained the fox attention.

??? - "What..?"

"Huh.." (Naruto)

??? - "Why did you apologize..?"

"Because you were bothered by my questions...So i felt like i should apologize" Naruto explained.

??? - "Hmm, This kid seems a little different from all the others whom i spent my time with throughout the ages" The fox thought while looking at naruto.

"Um...Mister fox sir" Naruto called, Bringing the fox out of his thoughts.

??? - "What is boy"

"Could you please tell me where am i and are you the one who brought me here..." (Naruto)

??? - "No kid, I didn't brought you here, You are actually inside your own mindescape" The fox answered but naruto look at him confused.

"My own...Mindscape mister fox" (Naruto)

??? - "That's right, It's a place that exists between your subconscious and unconscious mind, When you fell asleep while crying you end up getting here"

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