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(Foxter residence - 8:30 AM)

The foxter trio were peacefully sleeping in their beds comfortably and enjoying their dreams until suddenly their alarm started beeping and it's annoying sound echoed in their ears.

Aya was the most annoyed, She covered her ears with her pillow and so do reiha but the beeping continued until aya finally had enough and she shoots a small KI blast at the alarm clock which gets destroyed in a million pieces.

"Seriously aya-nee..." A voice says, Aya turns and saw naruto with an awkward expression looking at her.

"It was damn freaking annoying so i had no choice, Alright!!" (Aya)

"~Sigh~At any rate we have to leave for the academy in 30 min's, I promised to meet hinata early today so i'm gonna go take the shower first" Naruto says getty up from his bed.

Aya just lays back on her bed in annoyance.

"Ugh stupid academy, Good thing we just skipped the grades" Aya says before falling back asleep once again while reiha only looks at his sister with a sweatdrop.

(Timeskip - 30 min's later)

Everyone was at the dining table and eating their breakfast in peace until suddenly a certain strom arrives.

"THE HECK!! WHY THE HELL YOU GUYS DIDN'T WAKE ME UP!!" Aya shouted but naruto and reiha just looked at her with a sweatdrop.

"We both tried waking you up several times but you wouldn't budge and just say 5 more min's so don't blame it on us" (Naruto)

"Ugh why you---" (Aya)

"Aya that's enough! Go and take a shower already" Pretender says but aya looks at her father panicked.

"Dad but how..!? It's already 9 AM!!" (Aya)

"Ugh...I'll make you a time cube but just this once so get going now and you only have 30 min's the most!!" Pretender says and a big smile spreads across aya's face.

"THANKS DAD!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!" Aya shouts happily.

"Go already" (Pretender)

"YOU GOT IT!!" Aya says running back inside.

Once aya was gone naruto asks his father about the time cube in which pretender explains everything to the boy in brief detail and after listening naruto nods his head in understanding.

"So basically this power compresses time" (Naruto)

"Yes" (Pretender)

(30 seconds later - 30 min's inside the time cube)

Aya comes down running fully prepared now, She grabs an apple from the table and says goodbye to her father. Naruto and reiha does the same and then the trio leaves for the academy.

(Scene change - Academy)

The foxter trio were walking in the halls until finally they reached their scheduled classroom and enters inside it, Upon entering the class they saw all the other teams already present there who now were looking at them.

They divert their gazes from them and looks at iruka who tells them to sit wherever they feel like.

Naruto sees hinata and happily runs upto her while aya and reiha quietly sits besides the uchiha twins, Both kiyomi and sasuke looks at them really curiously.

"Alright class so from starting today you all are full-fledged genin and let me tell you, This job is not easy so be sure to watch your every step on the way. Anyways your jōnin sensei will be here shortly to pick you all up. Good luch and do your very best" Iruka says before finally leaving the class.

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