Chapter 4 [unexpected dormmate]

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I wake up drooling all over my bedsheets, Ew thats disgusting. I push my weak body up from te uncomfortable and stif pose i had been sleeping in the whole time. I get up and notice im still in my school uniform. As i went to start undressing i notice i had been bleeding threw the bandages on my arm. I decide it would be best i take a shower first so i grab my black  towel and the blade that was in my bag and start walking to the bathroom. I open my door and is imediatly hit with the smell of pancakes. I walk around the corner to see who was making them and then i froze.
"Kacchan!? What the hell are you doing in here?"

" I live here u fucking idiot."
"you're my roommate?"
"yeah I ain't happy either , so deal with it."
"yeah ok whatever, im going to take a shower so don't  come in the bathroom!"
"What do you think ima do come in and stare at you while you shower, fucking idiot."

I turn around and walk past him , twords the bathroom,hoping he doesnt see my cheeks getting red. I lock the door and turn on the shower. I start undressing. I take a glanse in the mirror and my eyes are greeted with my horrific body. I hate it. It disgusts me. I disgust me. Im worth nothing more than a dead clam.
I turn around and grab the blade i placed on the counter, i start. 1,2,3-12,13,14,15...that should be enough right now. I hop into the shower letting the boiling hot water rins over my body. The water at the drain is red frome the blood that was washing off my body. I feel a bit dizzy so i go and sit down on the shower floor. I feel terrible.
I get up and dry myself off with the towel.
"shit." i exclaimed a bit too loud. My arms wont stop bleeding. Blood is dripping everywear. I take the towl and press firmly onto my arm until most of the bleeding stopped after a while. I started to rewrap my arm tightly in badages once again. Start dressing myself but then i noticed. Goddamit i forgot pants. HOW THE HELL DID  I REMEMBER EVERYTHING EXCEPT MY FUCKING PANTS. I walk to the door and call out...

"What do you want dipshit!"
"I forgot to bring pants! Please bring me a pair"
"WHAT nah no way, this is your fault own up to it."
"please kacchan, i feel dizzy i want to lie down,can u hurry...please..."
"..."     "ughhh fine!"

After a few minutes i heard a knock at the door. I stood up and walk up to it. I unlocked it and gently reached out my hand. Kachan shoves the pants into my hands and slams the door shut, almost breaking off my fingertips. I quickly slip the pair of sweats on and make my way to the sink. I cleaned most of the blood off the counter and the floor tiles. The tiles are small so some of the blood soaked into the cracks inbetween and now i cant get them out. Hopefully kacchan doesnt see. I stand up and make my way to the door, and walk out. Kacchan stops me beforr i can walk to my room.

Kacchans POV:
I was eating the pancakes i made when i heard deku say 'shit.'  i wanted to see if he was ok but decided not too because the nerd always finds a way to hurt him self. I took my last bite and
Stand up taking my plate to the sink when i heard him yell out. That damn nerd no fucking way, im not going to walk all the way to his room to get pants, for all i care he can run butt naked to his room . I heard him sigh out loud in the bathroom, it was like he was out of breath or frustrated. Then i heard him say hes dizzy and that's when a red flag went up. Something is wrong with him, he did something. I stood up and walked to his room to fetch a pair of pants. I was searching threw his bag for something he could wear when my hand got cought on something sharp. It cut open my thumb and i immediately jumped. I chose a pair of sweats and stood up and walked twords the bathroom door whilst i sucked on my thumb. I knocked on the door. He opened it and grabbed the sweats in my hand, while doing so i noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt so i could see half his forearm. It was wraped in a thick bandage. What the hell did he do this time?  i stuffed the pants fully in his hands and slamed the door shut. "dumbass."  i couldn't shake the bandage from my mind so i thought to ask him after he got out frome the bathroom. So i waited.

He walked out of the bathroom wearing a dark blue long sleaved shirt and the sweats i brought. I stopped him before he could go into his room.

Dekus Pov: shit did he see my arm? Did i do something to upset him?.

"oi deku come here!"
" y-yes kacchan?"
"what happened to your arm- why are you wearing bandages?"
"..." i was deadsilent i didnt know what to say.
" it's nothing, d-dont worry about it.i just uhm hurt my arm during training-"
I panicked. I could feel my heatbeat in my throught.
"what are you hiding dipshit. Dont hide things frome me! I will blast your face in."
Bakugou's pov: he is definitely hiding something. I would've known if he hurt himself during training! " Whatever" i turn around and walk away.

Dekus'Pov: Thank god he left. That was close. I have to be more careful i can't risk it. I walk back into my room.

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now