Chapter 6 [we will get through this]

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Bakugou's pov:
I open my eyes to see that me and deku fell asleep ontop of the bed. He was laying so peacefully, still asleep in my arms. I gently took his head and placed him down flat onto his pillow and slowly try to slide my way out of the bed.

As i climbed off the bed i noticed the mess we made on the floor. Everything is cover in dried up blood. I decide to try to clean it up before he wakes up, the last thing he needs now is to see the blood and possibly get triggered. I walked to the hallway wich had a tiny closet that contained some cleaning supplies. I start to scrub at his floor and then notice something shiny under his bed, i reached out and tried to grab it. Once i slid the item closer to me i relized that it was the blade deku used and remembered that  i kicked it away frome him whilst i cleaned him up. Damn nerd, always getting into trouble. I picked the blade up and threw it away into the empty trash can in the kitchen. I walked back and dried off the now soapy wet floor with a towl and put everything away.

I walked back to his room and climbed back into bed with him. He wrigled at first and was clearly oblivious as to what's going on but after a while he slowly started to flutter his eyes open. "hey nerd." i said softly looking down at him. "kacchan?" he sounded so confused and looked at me as if he was dreaming or some shit. He fliped his body over sothat it was facing mine. He pushed his head into my chest and for a few minutes we just layed there. I told him that we needed to get up and get dressed and ready. I pulled away frome him and climbed back off the bed. As i was walking back to my room i heard him groan as he slid himself of the bed.

Dekus pov:
My body hurts so much as i climb out  of the bed. I cant belive me and kacchan fell asleep next to eachother. I limp over to my dresser and start getting ready. 
Does kacchan actual care that much about me?
He was crying last night and he also hugged me allot. I almost can't belive it happened. Everything about last night was a blur really.
I push my weak body twords the door, before i walk out i remember i left the blade on the ground last night. I have to pick it up before kacchan finds it. I bend down and start look for it whilest im on my hands and knees. I heard the door open but i still continued searching.

Bakugou's pov:
What is taking that dumbass so long to get ready, were going to be late for class. I walk to his door and opened it. He is  on the floor? What the hell is he doing now, i swear he is always doing some sort of dumb shit.
Is he looking for something? Then it hit me.
The blade, hes looking for the blade.
"oi what are you doing!"
"nothing, I'm almost done." he ansered instantly.
"what are  you looking for nerd."
"i just droped something and i cant find it."
"what did you drop. Maby i can help look?"

I knew damn well what he is looking for.

"NO no its ok dont worry about it kacchan."
"get up." i said it in an aggresive tone.
He gets up , turns around and tries to give me a fake ass smile.
"Are you looking for the blade?"
His eyes widened and was clearly shocked by my question. He instantly started fiddeling with his hands.

"w-what? No -ofc not ...what b-blade?"
Jesus does he think im that fucking dumb, i could blankly see he was lying just by looking at him!
"deku i took it, and your sure as hell not getting it back. I saw the other older ones on your arms and that tells me you've done this multiple times and that you dont intend to stop."

As much as it hurt to say i had to make it clear that i was going to make him stop for good. It pained me see the hurt in his eyes and it overall made me sick to my stomach just thinking about all his scars. I cant believe he did that, i caused him to do that. I started this so i must  help him stop it.
"what- what do you mean you took it?"
"im saying i threw it away dipshit! And if i ever see you holding another one i will blast your face off , you hear me!"
"..."  he was clearly upset.
"come now we have to get to class were already late."
We make our way to class and take our seats. Dumbass made us 15 minutes late.

Dekus pov:
What doe she mean he TOOK IT.   WTF nonononono that was the sharpest one i had, it did it much easier and way faster. Now it's  GONE. I wish we never even got dorms in the first place. I dont know what kacchan wants me to do but im sure as hell not going to stop. I cant stop. Its the only thing i have. I'll  go crazy without it. Atleast i have some spare ones scattered in the room.

My arm suddenly felt wet and it started to burn allot again so i looked down and was horrified to see that i bled through the bandages and onto my uniform jacket's sleeve. I turned around and looked franticly at kacchan. He looked me up and down and then relized what had happened.

[Hey guys i just want to say, i hope you guys enjoy the story so far, and dont be shy to leave comments about what i could add to it! Once again im srry for spelling errors sometimes i also miss type the words so its kinda annoying :,) ennyway enjoy the story!]

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