Chapter 30 [Letters]

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Deku pov:
Why cant i stop hurting kacchan...hes trying so hard but yet i pushed him away so many times that he has givin up on me. Tears fill my eyes as i reace for my notebook. Each time i feel sad i write it all in my notebook, whether its drawings or letters or poems it doesnt matter...aslong as i cant write it give me the illusion that im talking to that person.

I open the book and start to wright...letting all my feelings fall onto the paper.

Im sorry,
Im truly sorry i caused you so much pain,
Im sorry if you think my words are sometimes to vain. Im sorry if i push you away when all i want in reality is for you to stay. You've helped me through my suffering when all I've done is caused yours. Im sorry i hurt you, all i wanted was to protect you. You ask why i am broken, when i have no words to be spoken. I don't know what to say. Maby i can tell you that i am okay, but in reality i am not....because that is the truth, the hard truth. This life is hard and unfair ,but somehow it made us two a pair. Even tho you might hate me now and call me  hurtful things like a cow, you Will always be my first choice, because you showed me my true voice. I am truly sorry for what I've done, you don't deserve deserve happiness and love and to be free like a dove. I hope you forgive me one day for what im about to say.
Inorder for you to be happy you need to let go, you see  i am the foe. I am the creator of your worries, and i will be the destroyer of them. You may not want to, but you must see that the only way for you to breath is for me to leave.
Thank you for all you've done, and know that you will always be the person i love, even if im above.

-Deku ××

This is the only way...i have to do it. I have to give up inorder for him to be happy again...

I decide to write a few more letters to prepare for when i do it.

Dear Mr Aizawa
Thank you for all you've done, all the jokes and all the fun. Im afraid that the time has come that i must say my goodbyes. You have done so much for me yet i still failed you. I am sorry i cannot become a hero as i am  unfit and based on usefulness practicly a zero. This is not your fault as i am the only one to blame, for i carry all the shame. I am truly sorry for this, i hope you can understand that the only way for the pain to stop is for me to fall into the abiss. For each day i put up with the pain it feels like im hit with a train. I can no longer keep myself sain. I tried and tried and tried to please everyone , but all they see is the terrible things I've done. Thank you sensei for everything you have done, you really made me think i was ur son. Im sorry but this is what needs to happen.
You cannot stop it nor can you change my mind. You can try to search where it is I've  climbed, but i fear you might not like what you find, even though it has come to this thank you  for always being so kind, i have Unfortunately run out of time. People often misunderstand people like us, for they only see what we have done and not why we've done it. Don't let my death hold you back but instead let it be a lesson, a lesson to those around us, the people that judge and betray, those  who would've never even thought about this day. Teach about today, teach people to be careful about what they say, for tomorrow may be another person's day like today. For i am their voice as theirs are too shaky to tell, for i have also fell down the same well. Thank you sensei for allowing me to live longer, in hopes that it may have made me stronger. Unfortunately i cannot go on like this anymore, as each day i feel like im a dead corps that was pushed up to the shore. Goodbye Mr Aizawa, you have a special place in my heart for always and ever.

-Izuku Midoriya.

Dear Uraraka San.
Since the day i met you i knew you were a good person. That's exactly why it came to me as such a shock when you left me just like that. You treated me like a fucking rat. You belived a rumor over me , without even letting me help you to see. I thought i could trust you, but now i see i was wrong. I thought you cared about me , but now i know the truth. It doesn't hurt me that you belived the rumors, what hurt me is that you never even gave me the chance to defend myself. You imediatly made assumptions and abandoned me just like that. All our memories, our bond we had ,everything, gone.
I relize that im only a pest to all of you and that it's best i go away....forever. It would surely make you feel beter because then you get to have more time with tammy. Im sorry i couldn't be good enough for you to uphold our friendship. I wish the best to you.

-Sincerely Izuku Midoriya.

Dear Class 1-A
I knew that this would happen one day. Im sorry i have to go as i can see that i am the foe. Thank you for all the memories, the kindness and the fun...i am sorry for what I've done. You all will become hero's one day, aslong as you dont listen to what other people say. it's my time to go now. Goodbye everyone , thank you for all you've done.

-Izuku Midoriya.

I slide the letters under everyone's doors and make my way to the rooftop. I walk to the edge and just sort of sit there. Watching the morning sun slowly rise. After a few mintes i hear rustling on the ground and thats when i notice aizawa and everyone els running out of the school. Its so early in the morning that everything is quite. I take a deep breath of the cold air and slowly inch closer and closer to the edge.

I watch them all franticly talking, it seems like they're thinking about where i could be. I calmly watch as Kirishima points directly at me sitting on the roof. The next moment i hear my phone start to ring.

It's kacchan...i decide to anser the call.

K:"Deku stop this right now!"

D:"What i thought you didn't care anymore?"

K:"Deku you fuckin know that's not true. Step away frome the edge! Now!"


Just then a scratchy voice speaks on the phone.

Aizawa:"Problem child this is not a salution to your problems. Please get down frome there. We all need you."

D:"No i think im okay. Dont worry though, it will be quick just step a few feet back and close your eyes."

K:"DEKU STOP THIS MADNESS! Please...i-i can't let you do this...please."

His voice eyes start to tear up again untill im now fully crying again. I slowly stand up and hover over the edge.

D:"I love you kacchan."

K:"I love you to Deku but please dont do this!"

D:"Im sorry, I've come too far to give up now...Put me on speaker please."

Kacchan does what i ask and i stare at them frome above, as they all huddle around the phone[class 1a].

D:"Thank you for all you've done guys...Im sorry i have to do this...*snif snif* Goodbye..."

I drop the phone off the building.

I watch as it shatter on the ground, knowing it'll be me next..

Tear drops fall frome my cheeks onto the floor.
I take a deep breath thinking about kacchans words in middle school.

I then do the unthinkable and let go. My limp body falling against air, as my weight is dragged down by gravity. The wind blowing threw my hair as all i can do is stare at the rising sun. The closer i get to the ground the more i can hear the muffeled screams and cries frome my fellow classmtes. It breaks my heart but i know its the only way. My body hits the ground and i can feel every inch of me hurting
And then my vision goes blurry.

I can feel someones hands on me and thats when is see him. Kacchan....hes crying. My head feels... warm. I stare at him.

D:"H-hey...i took..ur..advice...haha..i took...a...swandive..."

K:"...deku..please..dont..leave me...i love you."

D:"I love you too Kacchan..."

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now