Chapter 8 [What happened to you!?]

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Deku's POV:
No he can't take me to Recovery Girl, then everyone will know. I will not go i refuse to go.
He cant force me. Luckily he only knows about this arm so  this whole thing  will probably pass within a few weeks or so.

"Kid come on stop fighting and just let me get you the help you need."  he sounded frustrated.

He doesn't even really care, hes only doing this sothat he doesn't get fired or Something. I turn around and start walking away.

"Im sorry kid but if you won't go with me i will do it forcefully."

Just then i felt as his scarf wraped around my stomach and i instantly cried out in pain. It wad an automatic respons me body made. He tried to use the scarf that was wraped around my body to pull me back to him and it worked, but at what costs. As he pulls me back to him i start seeing black dots cover my vision and getting dizzy frome loss of blood  and mumble  "p-please s-stop! It hurts-" as darkness started serounding me on my last attemt to escape his grasp.

Aizawa's pov:
I start pulling him back with my scarf but as soon as he's arms reach frome me i hear him say. "p-please s-stop! It hurts-"  and then his body fell limp. "SHIT"  my scarf unwraps and i catch his unconscious body in my arms. I notice a few dark red spots forming on his shirt. I lightly push his shirt up a bit. "sigh"
You lied kid, there are more...

I pick him up and run with him in my arms to Recovery Girl's office. When we get there she immediately  takes him and lies  him on the hospital bed. She asks  me to assist her  with taking off his jacket so i helped. As i took it off i noticed the countless more cuts he had, his entire other forearm was also covered aswell as his wrists and shoulder's. She decided it would be more practical to take off his shirt aswell sothat she could access his shoulder's better. When we took it off the situation  only filled us with even more horror. We watched as he laid there still as a corps with all his old and new cuts now vissible to us. They covered his entire stomach and chest. He also had multiple burn marks and bruises all over. There was one particular burn mark that was larger than the others,it was located on his left shoulder and was shaped almost like a hand.

"What on earth happened to him!?"
She asked me. I couldn't give her an anser as i also  only found out about this a few minutes ago.  i take a seat on a chair next to the bed and watch her treat him. My breath way taken away.

When she was done she walked over to me with a concerned look on her face.
"He has lost allot of blood, and he is extremely malnourished. He will have to stay here for atleast 24 hours on a drip."
I nodded my head indicating  i understood and then she walked out of the room.
I sat there in disbelief staring at him. Who did this to you? What caused you to do such things to yourself? How could i not have noticed sooner.

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now