Chapter 11 [Feelings are confusing]

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Bakugou pov:
The food is gettin cold but yet i dont wanna leave this position, feeling his heartbeat on my chest and his soft breath blowing accross my neck as we basicly melt together in the doorway. I haven't givin him a proper hug since forever i have forgotten how gentle he feels. I squeeze him tighter when he tries to pull away, but when i do i hear his breath pickin up sounding almost like a hiccup. And that's when it hits me. "Shit im sorry.."
I forgot about his injuries as i was so caught up in the moment, i just didn't want him to leave.
I pull away  frome the hug whilst i say in a play fighting way "I made you some food, u better  eat it or ill shove it down your throught."

Izuku Pov:
I try to pull away frome the hug sothat i can see what he has cooked but when i do he Squeezed me tighter around my  shoulders forcing me to press onto my chest and stomac. This time i Couldn't keep myself frome letting out a sound. As the sharp pain increased so did my breathing. He noticed and let go. He apologized and i instantly feel horrible. He shouldn't have to apologize for giving me a hug, how could he have known it would cause me pain, it's not his fault.. it's mine.

We walk over to the kitchen counter and i sit on one of the chairs. He places a bowl infront of me and me eyes light up. It's katsudon! He remembered it's my favourite dish! I don't  deserve this...this- whatever this is, kindness? Guiltiness? Pity? He pity's me, he thinks im pathetic. Well i cant disagree because he is right, i am a worthless nobody.

Bakugou Pov:
He looked so happy when i placed the food infront of him, he gave a slight grin,that's a good sighn right? He getting better.  "come on dumbass eat it before it gets cold."
He eats half of it and then stops. He turns to me and says in a weird tone.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" i anser.

"Helping me.. Why go through all this effort for me? What did i do to derserve this. All i have done is cause u trouble and effort." his eyes start tearing up. It hurts me seeing him like this.

"Because i relized that it was childish hurting you like this, and that by breaking u i was patching myself up and that is not what a hero does. That day i saw u in the bedroom, i relized how bad it had gotten, how much pain i caused you. If anything i don't deserve your kidness and forgiveness. Why not just leave me? Why did u stay with me and treat me so kindly. You never got mad or told on me when i bullied you in middle school nothing. You- you are just always forgiving me. So i decided that i should do the same. And if you think im going to be the nr 1 hero your damn right,but i won't accomplish that by hurting you instead i will beat u the old-fashioned way. But in order to be able to beat you at everything, i need you alive. I need you to keep trying. I cant beat a nerd who is already in pain, that's not fair."

"I'm sorry i made you cry earlier. I dont mean to cause u pain." he wispers.

"whatever, your fine now so forget about it."

"Thank you for the food it was delicious "

"Yeah yeah i know i made it."

Izuku Pov:
Does he really feel bad? But im the one who is wrong? I walk to the sink and place my plate in the dishwasher. Just then i sliped on the wet floor that kacchan made when he opened the dishwasher. I accidently trip kacchan that was next to me eating. We both tumble and hit the ground hard. I feel Something heavy laying on me. I open my eyes when i hear a loud grunt frome kacchan. He is  ontop of me!?  my face starts burning up as we are staring at eachother inches away frome our faces touching.

Bakugou pov:
I watch as the nerd places his plate in the dishwasher and start walking away. SHIT i forgot to tell him about the wet floor! Just then he disappears, i suddenly trip over something and tumble down dropping the empty bowl in my hand. I open my eyes and see that im laying ontop of him. My eyes widen as i notice how close we are. There are shattered peaces of the bowl all around us. I notice his cheek has a mark. I look closer and see blood start pouring out. Shit the bowl sliced open his cheek and my hands too. I sit up straight pulling him up with me. We stand up and i drag him too the bathroom. I carefully wipe his cheek cleaning off the blood. I look over and notice how red his ears and cheeks have gotten. Dumbass , he has always does this thing where his ears turn red when he is embarrased. Its kinda...cute?

Izuku pov:
He wipes down my cheek as i stand there still as can be trying not to move as we are inches away frome eachother. I can feel his breath blowing onto my face making mine increase. We are so close...too close..i kinda like it? my face is now burning as i stare into his blood red eyes. The tension in the air in unbearable as he inches in closer to me and-

[Cliffhanger! Haha i hope yall are enjoying the chapters so far. And once again thank you so much for choosing to read this story! :) ]

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