Chapter 22 [secrets always come out]

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Aizawa:"Midoriya i forgot to say-"

Izuku pov:
He walked in and stopped mid scentence.
Me and Kacchans faces get blood red.


I yell out  as we try to detangle our bodies.

Aizawa:"Young Midoriya and Bakugou, please save those uhm...activities for later. You are welcome to do whatever you would like  INSIDE the dorms..."

Bakugou:" WHAT NO, WAIT THIS- its not! Ugh fucking nerd."

Aizawa:"very well I'll be going now.."

Izuku:"Wait! No Sensei we can exsplain please!"

He left the room...

Me and Kacchan untangle ourselves before he could help me put some pants on.
He steps back as he tries to cover his blushing red face.

Bakugou:"Fucking nerd, you see what you've just caused."

I try to stand up but as soon as i do i drop to my knees. OW! SHIT. I Forgot about my
Fractured pelvic bone. Then i look up as im sitting on my knees now directly infront of kacchan... His eyes are spread wide and his face is so flustered he can barely make out any words.

Bakugou pov:

After Aizawa walked in on us i imediatly  jumped back. Wth omg i cant belive that just happened! Wtf

I watch as he tries to stand up, and for a moment i forget about his injuries. I watch in shock as he suddenly drops too his knees infront of me. What  is he doing!?
My face starts to burn up again even more than last time.

Bakugou:"Deku...what the fuck a-are you doing..."

Izuku:" what- WAIT no no no no , it's not what it look like kacchan! wait no-"

He tries to stand up but ends up tripping over his own  feet and falling  again, pushing me down With him. He falls ontop of me with his chest on mine as we both tumble to the ground. His ears start turning red as his face is now hovering over mine. Were inches away frome eachother. Tsk damn nerd, always getting us in these fucking situations.

Izuku pov:
Our legs are tangled together as we gaze into eachothers eyes. I can feel his hot breath against my face. It's weird seeing him like this position...
My breathing pick's up as he grabs onto my shoulder's and push me to the side.
We tumble around as he forces his way ontop of me. With his leg now between mine and his forearms flat to the ground beside my head he stares at me with this look in his eyes and moves closer to me. His nose now practically almost  touching mine he wispers...

"You know..there are easier ways of getting with  me deku..."

My cheeks burn as i stare at him in shock.

He moves even closer to me as he gently  presses his soft and delicate lips against mine taking my breath away.
The first time when he pulled away i thought i did something wrong, that maby he didn't like it but now im sure that this really  is what he wants. His lips Leave mine as he mumbles out a few words.

"What? You just going to make me do all the work now huh shitty deku."

He sits up straight between my legs while im still on my back.
He grabs my pair of pants and gently start to slide them over my feet, then my knees and then my thighs. He trugles to pull them up to my waist so he grabs me and pulls me upwards twords him until my knees are almost up to his neck. He has me bend my back sothat he can pull the pants over and up to my waist. Then he crosses his arms around my waist and pulls me onto his lap. With my legs wraped around his waist he uses his one hand and slides it under my ass and slowly start to stand up. Im afraid he might drop me so i cling onto his neck as tight as i can.

Bakugou pov:

I pick him up as he can't possibly walk at his state right now and  grab all of his things and walk out of the room. I can feel his heavy breathing start to slow down. He must be exhausted, afterall he did just wake up frome a long sleep and he has lost allot of blood due to internal bleeding so i can't blame the nerd.
I carry him across the school all the way back to the dorms, i ignored all the wispers around us as i only care about his well being at this moment. We finally get to the dorm and i unlock the door. Just as i was about to walk in i notice someone calling out my name...


Bakugou:"Hm?"    i turn around to see who it was while still holding deku in my arms.


Bakugou:"What do you want exstra."

Tamrin:" i just wanted to see how deku was doing."

Bakugou:"Don't call him that."


Bakugou:"I said don't fucking call him that."

Tamrin:"But you always call him that? Why are you so mean to me? I just wanted to check up on him."

Bakugou:"Can ya keep it down dumbass, hes asleep."

Tamrin:"May i come in?"

Bakugou:"whatever idc."

Tamrin:"Alright! Great!"

Bakugou pov:
The annoying exstra walks in and closes the door, while i take deku to his room sothat he can rest. I lay him down on the bed and pull the sheets over him. He looks so innocent when hes asleep. I notice that he might get warm so i take off his jacket i put on before we left the room earlier.
(Hes in a short sleeve shirt btw)

Tam:"What's that-"


Tam:"what are those ugly scars on his arms-"

Bakugou:"Don't fucking talk like that, they aren't ugly. Why the fuck are you even in here get tf out!"

Tam:"Geez calm down."

She walks out of the room and i soon follow her.

Tammy pov:
Omg i can't belive that Pathetic loser actually does cut. How useless must a person be to do that hahaha.

I make my way out of his room and into the kitchen. Thats when i spot the exstra key, it has Midoriya's name on it. Hah i will take that, i switch it with a fake one.

I slip it into my pocket just as Bakugou walks out of his room.

"Sooo you want to watcha movie or something."

Bakugou:"Stfu, idfc what you do. Im going to take a shower . When i get back you better be gone."

"Okay mister grumpy." 

He walks to the bathroom and i hear the water turn on. That's when i know it's my time to shine.

I walk over to Midoriya's room and softly slip inside. I snoop around to find out more secrets about him. That's when i discover the small yellow'ish book that's tucked under his backpack. I open it up and sure as hell. Hahaha the nerd has a fucking diary. How Pathetic. I take the book and before i leave i cut off a strand of his hair. I hear the water turn off and i run to the door and walk out before katsuki sees me. yes haha score.

[Tamrin:      class: Manipuator.                                  ]
[Quirk: Shapeshifting.                                                  ]
[Details: When she gatheres a peace of her,        ] [victims DNA and consumes it she will,                ]        [shapeshift into a clone of the person or aimal ] [in wich dna belonged to . whether its Hair,        ] [Nails,Blood excetra...                                                   ]
[ Quirk lasts 20-30 minutes max.                              ]

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