Chapter 27 [Extra Key's]

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TW! Sh

Izuku pov:
Kacchan left the room. My heart ache's at the thought of what might happen if those pictures come out. I had finally escaped that part of my life and now it's all being brought back in an instant. I slowly sit up straight in the bed. I look over to the bathroom thats just outside his bedroom door. There must be something left? Any sort of blade will do right?

I slowly get up pulling my body frome out of the covers. I make my way to the bathroom and begin looking through everything. There must be something. Suddenly i remembered kacchan shaved last night...yes! I need to find the place he puts all his spare blades.

I look in the cabinets above the sink. YES! He forgot to put away the box full of spare blades.
This is my chance. I grab 4 and hide 3 of them all throughout my bedroom. I then walk Back to the bathroom and kniel down until im sitting on the floor. I slide off the protective sheet thats wraped around the blades edge and stare at my reflexion as it taunts me in the shine of the blade.

I roll up my sleeves not even caring whether or not kacchan finds out and start.

I drag the smooth blade accross my already scarred skin. I stare at the blood droplets forming and the slowly dripping down my arm.
I instantly regret my decisions but just as i wanted to stop the familiar thoughts rose up again.

'Come on now, kacchan has seen how big of a slut you are. You are worthless and don't searve any other purpose besides pleasing others. No one really cares for you. They will leak those photos and ruin your life. Well it's not like you have friends anymore. Come on you know you want it, the pain, the relive the stress fading away. Just do it! Stop being useless and do it. Cut your skin, make a mess out of the blood that will seep out. You an utterly useless piece of shit, do it you whore. Its what you deserve-'

I glance at the razor sharp blade in my hand as it begs me to have another taste at my raw i let it. I start hacking at my skin. Tearing my arms to bits with no hesitation or regret. When im done i stare in horror at the large pool of blood im sitting in.

I hear someone comming in the front door and then footsteps followed.


I though kacchan locked the door!? How...but i did hear a key turn so- wait...the only people with spare keys to all the dorms are teachers.
Shit shit shit.

I try to stand up but struggle doing so. I hear footsteps at the door followed by a loud knock.

"Who is it..."

"Open the door Problem Child.
Mr aizawa!? This is even worse.

"Im busy."

"...Busy with what-"

"Im using the bathroom." shit my voice cracked.

I feel myself getting dizzy as black spots form in the corners of my eyes.

"Bakugou got into a bad fight. I overheard him say something before i broke the fight up, it was something along the lines of 'deleet te photos of deku or els?' may i ask what photos he was talking about. "

"I dont want to talk about it-"

"Come outside."

"I told you already! Im... "

The darkness was starting to overtake me.

"Problem Child?"

"Sensei, i-i don't fell so good...."

My body dozing in and out of focus. Am i going to die? Well whatever happenes i don't care at this's not like anyone will miss me.

I flop to the ground as i try to catch my breath. He must have heard me fall because he imediatly burst in.

"Young Midoriya!"

He rushes twords me panicked.
He tries helping me up but i slip on my own blood and fall again.

"i..can't ..." i mumble making it clear i cant get up. He takes my limp body and props me up against the bath. His face looked numb, almost as if hes done this mutiple times, how coud he not be disgusted at the amount of blood. He grabs a towl and puts pressure on one of my arms, and then the other. i failed him again. I failed kacchan, i failed aizawa and i failed all might. they're all mad at me now. I look in disgust at my arms as Sensei tries his best to clean the wounds. I push him away a couple of times but he was presistant on helping.

"J-just leave me..."

"What- problem child i...

"Stop it already, i know this is only a waist of your time so do us both a favor and just let me."

"What is your imposing?"

"Let me bleed out! Just leave me. Go away, just stop fucking touching me!"

I tear one of his hands off my arm and blood imediatly starts rushing out again. The towl is now soaked and there's nothing els in the bathroom. Mnr aizawa rushes and tries to stop the blood frome pouring out of my arms any further as he grabs onto my bloody arm with his bare hands pain shoot's through me. But it's no use the bleeding doesn't stop and i begin to get weaker and weaker until i fall forward off the bath edge and into his arms. He hugs me and then Suddenly picks me up. He run's out of the bathroom and heads twords the front door. Not waisting another second. He holds me in his arms as he runs through the halls. My one arm is on my stomach cause my t shirt to be soaked in the dark red metallic liquid and the other is hanging down, dripping blood all throughout the halls.My vision starts to fade, the last thing i remember seeing in all the concerned faces that stared at me...including the people i once called my friends. Then it all went dark...

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