Chapter 20 [Badluck or a Second Chance?]

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Bakugou pov:
Uraraka finally turns up and the fight begins. Where is that stupid nerd? Without him here this fight is pretty Pathetic. Pink cheeks dodged some attacks of mine but shes no use, on her own she is definitely going to loose. I throw my last blast but at the last second deku jumps infront of her! She would have been done for! WTH! He falls to the ground as he cough's,  because pink cheeks was so far away i exstra charged the blast but he jumped in the middle of us, meaning he took on the full force .  i watch as his wristband turn frome yellow to orange and slowly fading to red.His health has gone down quite allot.
Stupid nerd why would he jump infront of her!

Despite his condition he stands up ready to fight again. What? How...he is so much pain, why continue to fight? I was  still in shock of what just happened when suddendly tsu grappels his arm making him Cry out in pain. Shit thats his arm that still has some unhealed cuts, they were so deep that they take a long time to heal. I watch as she pushed him into Uraraka causing her to yell at him in anger. What happened? Why is she mad at him?  She then touches his chest causing him to float into the air. Wtf what is she doing!? He floats higher and higher without a stop. I have to stop her before he gets too high and with the condition he is in i can't imagine what els could happen.

I throw some blasts causing her to move backwards. The dust that was made through the blast made her close her eyes, yes! A weakspot! Fuck you i will always be number 1!
I blast her causing her to be thrown back into a wall. She layed there on the ground, still breathing but definitely not in the fighting ring anymore. I dodge  some rocks and other objects that that were falling down that she was floating and thats when i remember. SHIT! DEKU!
I run as fast as i can to position myself sothat i could hopefuly catch him.

His limp body falls out of the sky and rockets down. He was few meters away frome the ground when i jumped up and cought him in mid air. His limp body felt as light and a feather in my arms. As i made my way down to the ground i stared at  his torn constume with plenty of holes and burns made by me. Im so sorry i hurt you again.

I took him to Recovery Girl and watched as she treated all of his wounds. I sit next to his bed on a chair laying with my crossed arms on the bed next to him with my head resting on my arms. Please wake up deku, i need you. The doc said he has 2 broken ribs , his ankel in twisted and has multiple bruses and burns covering his body, and was malnourished, she also mentioned that his pelvic bone had damage that was caused by a fall. But i cought you....deku what happened to you?

Izuku pov:
I awake to a familiar beeping sound. My eyes blur into focus. What happened? I can feel all the bandages that are tightly wraped around my body. I try to sit up but when i do i feel a sharp pain in my stomach and back. I look over to my side, and there he is...kacchan. Hes asleep? I stare at his sleeping body next to me. His head planted on his arms, one arm holding onto my hand. His beuatiful , fluffy ,blond hair covering his sleepy face. I can feel my cheeks and ears start to burn up and my heart rate unknowingly increases that causes him to awake frome his sweet dreams. He wipes his sleepy eyes as he looks at me now wide awake. His eyes start to widen and then fill with...tears!?

Katsuki's pov:
I awake to the nerds heartrate monitor going crazy. My eyes are still blury but i can make out his emerald eyes staring back at me. HES AWAKE!
My eyes unknowingly start to tear up as i jump up off of my chair and rush to give him a hug.
I was so excited to see him that i squeezed him a little too hard...he weezed in pain but when i tried to pull away / loosen the hug he pulled me back again. He pulled me onto the bed next to him. I was sitting next to him now, i held him in my arms as i reasured him everything was going to be okay.

"Hey deku..?"

"Yes Kacchan?"

" Why didn't you try to fight it or grab onto the building next to you? Or atleast scream for me to help you...y-you just stayed silent untill you fell unconscious in my arms?"


"You just...accepted it..."

"....accepted what.."



"remember we said no lies."

"I was just tired."

"Lie....deku please."

"I just thought..."

"Thought what?"

"It didn't seem so bad in the moment i guess..."


"im sorry."

"B-but why?"

"Idk okay...just..stop."

"....please try for me?"


"..try to tell me when you feel like this okay? Please, i don't want you to feel like ur alone...cause your fucking not."

" sorry i dissapointed you."

"im not dissapointed..."

"yes you are...i can tell."

"Im just...worried."

"about what?"

"About you goddammit...i don't want you to do something dumb. You hear me?  Don't...just don't....please"

I start to break down next to him...i can't belive im being so damn vulnerable infront of someone. He pulled me closer into a hug and kissed me on the forehead while my face is now burried into his neck. I close my eyes and inbrace the moment. We just lay there for a while, my eyes closed and my body next to him. Then Aizawa walks in.

Izuku pov:

I think he has fallen asleep because he hasn't said anything nor has he moved frome the spot. Then i hear the door handel turn and i look over to see Sensei walk into the room.

Aizawa:"Midoriya it's good to see your awake, i want to ask-...oh..."

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now