Chapter 18 [ 2 Truths and 3 Lies]

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Izuku pov:
After me a Kacchan spoke last night i went to bed early, as i didn't want to hurt his feelings. All i want right now is to be loved...why doesn't he love me? He says he is scared to loose me.. But is that the truth? If he really loved me he would have asked me to be his boyfriend long ago. Im tired of living like this...all these people pretending to like me...waiting to see me most vulnerable and then tearing me down. I look at the time. Its pretty late i should probably start to get ready for UA. I put on my uniform and walk out of my room, avoiding the mirror as i know i still have puffy and red eyes. Kacchan is waiting at the door. We both leave to go to our first period.

[At class]
As soon we walk into the door i notice everyone staring at me? Is it my eyes? Or my hair maby? Do i look that ugly? That's probably why kacchan won't date me...

I walk to my seat hearing everyone wispering around me, making it obvious their talking about me. What's happening?

Bakugou pov:
Why tf is everyone staring at us like that.
I sit down at my desk and look over to Kirishima. I ask him "wtf is the fuss about". At first he didn't want to anser but i got him to admit pretty fast.

"Yo, are the rumors about MidoBro true?"

Rumors, wtf.

"What rumors."

"They say, in middle school he slept with multiple people for money, and that when tamrin tried to help him he beat her up as well as bullied her all throughout middle school, and that he took it as far as telling her to kill herself."

"What the fuck.."

"Yeah, and he aperantly got major backlash frome that causing his mother to leave him. After that he no longer had friends so he started to cut himself to try to get attension frome the other people."

"Who told you this."

"Everyone knows dude."

[After class]

I pull deku through the hallways trying to avoid everyone catcalling and pushing him. We eventually get to the bathrooms.

Deku:"What's happening? Someone said Something about runmors? Kacchan what did they say!? You look mortified."


Deku:" knows!?"

"i know you wouldn't bully her but are the other things true..?"

"i..uhm...*exhales* my mother did leave me, but not for that reson...and because she left me...i...needed money..."

"So- d-did you..."

"Yes..but it wasn't was more like they did whatever they wanted and just threw me with money afterwards."

"Are you...okay..?" i ask concerned

"I'm fine, but you say everyone knows!?"

"that's what Kirishima told me."

He starts  breaking down crying infront of me.

"My *snif* life *snif* is ruined..."

"No it's not, it will be okay. I'll find out who spread these rumors."

I hug him until he calms down, and stops crying.

"come , we need to go to next period Aizawa is going to kill us if were late."

[They walk to class]

Izuku pov:
I walk in and im imediatly met with hundreds of eyes staring at me. I take my seat trying to
Keep my head down.

Aizawa:" okay everyone, were going to be doing combat training. Everyone will be paired in 2 again: ....and lastly Uraraka and Problem Child. You and you partner will be fighting against the other group. Each group has 2 people. Understood? Go get changed into your costumes."

[In the locker rooms]
I always try to change in a corner sothat the others don't notice my scars and usually they dont talk to me whilest i change but today was diffrent..

I was taking off my shirt in the corner as usual, i could see kacchan in the corner of my eye standing next to me also taking off his shirt. I was admiring every little curve, every scar every peace of skin on his body when suddenly i feel a presence behind me. It wasn't kacchan because i could still see him changing.

Shoji:" Hey Midoriya, we have to talk."

Izuku:" oh h-hey?"

I still had my back turned but I was obviously still very nervous and uncomfortable  because i wasn't wearing my shirt meaning all of my scars were exsposed.

Shoji: "So the rumors are true?"


Shoji:"how dare you lie to me! I cannot belive you bullied Tammy so much that she tried to kill herself! You bastard, you deserve to have no friends after what you did."

Izuku:"...b-but i didn't do that.."    i wisper.

Shoji:"Turn to me when im talking to you!"

I looked at kacchan for help , he quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Oi exstra! What the fuck do you want frome him."

Shoji:" Were having a conversation, but he doesnt want to turn around!"

   *Shijo pushes izuku into the locker*

Kacchan:" Leave him the fuck alone before i blast your face off!"

Kacchan steps infront of me blocking Shoji's view, giving me time to put on my constume.

Shoji:"Me and him were having a conversation you have no right to interrupt so i suggest minding your own goddamn buisness!"


Izuku:" Please Kacchan stop, its okay just drop it!"

Kacchan:"Don't tell me what to do shitty nerd."

Shoji:"Oh so now the Mutt wants to talk."

Kacchan:"The fuck did you just call him..."

Kacchan waks closer to Shoji and Punches him straight  in the face. Omg i can't belive he just did that...for me!?

I grab kacchan's arm before he can throw another punch at Shoji.

"Let go of me deku!"

Just then shoji tries to take a shot at Kacchan.
My reflexes kick in and i imediatly jump infront of kacchan blocking the punch. The inpact of the punch made me fall into kacchan's arms. Shoji punched me in my chin,  causing my lip to be cut open and start bleeding.

Kacchan:"Shit, deku why the fuck would you do that!"

Shijo:"Well he fucking deserved it.


Aizawa walks into the room disabling Kacchan's quirk.

Aizawa:"What is going on in here, you are 20 minutes late! Stop waisting time and get your asses out there."

Shoji:"Yes sir"
Midoriya:" *cough* sorry sensei."

Aizawa:"Stop right there Problem child."

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now