Chapter 10[ you knew?]

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[Hi there before i continue i just want to say im so sorry i havent posted a new chapter i was just caught up in life and i have allot of school work but I'll try to get past this writing block. I hope u enjoy the chapter and please feel free to comment :) enjoy!]

Izuku's Pov:
I ran back to the dorm as fast as i could without looking back once, i cannot believe he found out. I was panicking so much when he asked those questiontions i could barely hold a straight face. I unlock the door and walk in, imediatly i see Kacchan in the kitchen. The Smell of food caught me off guard as it quickly filled the entire room. I turn around and lock the door, i think he heard that because i could hear him putting down the utensils he was using. Shit , he also knows.

Bakugou Pov:
When i heard he was in  Recovery Girls office i ran as quickly as i could to find out what happened.
Aizawa was sitting on a chair next to his  hospital bed when i walked in. He looked at me concerned as he mutted out something along the lines of "you can't be in here, get out"
But i ignored him as i was more concerned about deku than what this old fart had to say.
I feel the blood drain frome my face as i stared in shock at his limp body laying on the bed. He looked dead. Tears start forming in my eyes as they gaze apon each scar slicing across his soft skin making his body look like a scared  battle field, i feel a thump in my throught when i notice the burn on his shoulder. Was that m-me? That's frome so long ago i forgot about it, but he had to look at the nasty scar I gave to him every single day. I suddenly feel sick, like im going to puke but i gather myself and stare back at him. How could i have caused u so much pain, yet you still have the courage to talk to me. A single  tear escapes my eye as i drop on my knees now kneeling next to his bed, only one because if  Aizawa sees me cry he will know how weak i am, and therefore I'll never become a hero. "Why deku..why do it again when i asked you so desperately not to?" i softly almost wisper to him. I can no longer control the amount of emotion i am feeling at this moment so i cant help but  quietly sob under my breath as i refuse to look at Aiawa as he asks: " You knew?"   i didnt anser his question but i knew he understood that i was only trying to help him, fix him,make him beter again....fix all the pain i caused.

After a while I go back to the dorms to gather myself. I decide to make deku some food as i knew he would be exhausted when he woke up ,and to apologize for not being able to help him when he needed me. I was just about to plate the food when i heard the door lock. Hes back. I turn around to face him. His face is pale and he looks like he hasn't been eating anything. I walk twords him trying to grab his attention, but he refuses to look at me. He has this look on his face, he looks almost ashamed? This nerd is making me worry too much.
Were now accross frome each other standing in the room silently, the only thing u can hear is my sniffling because i have been crying so much earlier. I desperately try to mutter out some words, anything to make it less awkward and more comforing for him but i fail. I walk closer to him giving him a hug, i make sure not to do it too tightly as i don't  intend on hurting him as i already saw what he has been so carefully  hiding frome me under his clothes.

Izuku's Pov:
He looked at me as if he has seen a ghost, his face looked so dissapointed , like I've failed him once again. I mean i have but it's diffrent seeing it in person. He walks closer and  i feel my heart sink as i notice his puffy eyes and red nose, has he been crying? Over me? I never intended on hurting him, if Mr Aizawa had just minded his own goddamn buisness none of this would've happened!

He walks closer and gives me a hug. What..? Why is he doing this. I dont deserve this, i failed him, made him worry, caused him pain, lied to him. Tears overwhelm my eyes and i start sobbing into his shirt. He hugs me tighter in an effort to comfort  me but all it does is put pressure on the cuts i placed there. I dont react nor do i mind because all that matters right now that im in his arms, smelling his sent with my head on his chest feeling his warmth, i cant help but start to feel my cheeks burning up.

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