Chapter 17 [Revenge]

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Bakugou pov:
How can he say such horrible things about himself? He doesn't deserve this.

I take a peace of toilet paper and wipe down his arm.

Deku:" Are you mad at me?"

Bakugou:"No, why would i be?"

I help him stand up, he stumbled a bit but soon stood upright next to me.

Deku:" Because i failed u?"

Bakugou:"Failed me? No you didn't. Im still here with you aren't i?"

I wipe his cheeks and unlock the door.

Bakugou:"i told you, im here for you whenever you need me."

He didn't anser me, he just kept looking down at the ground. So i slowly lift his chin up to face me.

Bakugou:" Look at me."

He stares at me with puffy eyes frome crying.

Bakugou:"I love you."

And then i kiss him...

Izuku pov:
He said it-
He said it properly without wispering! And then he kissed me. Everytime he kisses me it feels like im floating on a cloud, like hes pulling me away frome my dense and scarred body, away frome all my problems, closer to him.

Bakugou:" promise me that next time you feel the urge to do it again You come Find me. Even if you just text or call me, anything just tell me."


The bell rings and we head to the next period.
I walk over to my seat, i sit infront of Kacchan.
To my left is Tamrin. Class begins.

We were wrighting down notes when Kacchan taps my back. I lean back and he pulls my collor closer to him, which gives me butterflies.

"Oi nerd, what does he (the teacher) mean by that, i don't fucking understand."

I start to giggle as i say...
"It's okay Kacchan do you want me to help you later?"

"Like a tutor? I dont fucking need one!"

*giggle* "I'll see you at the library after school."

"tsk, whatever..."

As i turn back to my seat my eye catches Tamrin staring....she looks mad...or jealous? What did i do wrong?

Tamrin pov:
Wth, i have befriended all his friends except Bakugou! Why won't he talk to me! He only talks to that stupid mutt. I'll ruin his life mark my words.

Izuku pov:
I wonder why she is mad...? I ignore it and continue taking notes. I was finishing a sentence when i feel something hit my head and then fall into my lap.

It's a paper? I open the paper and read:

~Meet me after school in the locker rooms.~

What? Why? Maby she's going to apologise or ask to be friends! Oh i really hope so.

[After school]

I walk to the locker rooms and go in.

"h-hello? Is anybody here?"

Tam:"yeah, come over here."

I walk around the corner and i see tamrin.

"You wanted to meet?"

"I want to ask you a question. Do not Lie."


"What is your relationship with Bakugou."

"What...what do you mean?"

"You know what i mean. I asked around an everyone told me that you two are close and that you guys are inseparable."

"Me and kacchan are childhood friends..."

"Are you dating?"

I get flustered, and nervous.

"w-what , n-no- well y-yes? Idk it's complicated. Why?"

"Ohhhh i see~ well since I've already grabbed the attension of all of your other friends, i will be sure to add him to the clollection. I am going to turn them all on you, and ruin your reputation."

"What...Why!? What did i ever do to you???"

"You remember beggining of middle school? I had a huge crush on Bakugou and you knew it! Yet you stuck to him like a fly. I tried to ask him out but you interrupted which caused him to decline me as if he was ashamed of me!"

"Tammy? Omg it's you. I haven't seen you in years! You switched schools."

"Since you took the person i love away from me i will take everything that you love away frome you."

"why, i never ment to hurt you."

*Tam slaps izuku in the face*

"SHUT UP! you knew full well!"

Izuku:" Please im sorry."

"i will ensure that you have nothing left to love."

Izuku pov:
She walks out of the room...why? Why does this happen to me. I dont understand.

I stand up and walk out of the room. Shit! Kacchan! I forgot about him!

[At the Library]

Bakugou pov:
Where tf is he. Tsk i can't believe i have to wait on him!

"Kacchan! Im so hah.. ah..hah.. So sorry...ha ah hah im out of hah ah sorry im late!"

"Whatever, whats that on your face?"

"What do you mean?

"Its all red and shit, what happened? Why were you late"

"oh...uhm i-i walked into a poll.."

*Bakugou stands up and walks twords him.*

"Deku what tf happened..why are you lying...we said no lies. That looks like a handprint-"

"w-what no that can't be..."

"Tell me NOW, who the fuck touched you."


"Deku anser me."

" doesn't matter,please lets just go back to the dorms."

"i will find out who did this and when i do-"

"Kacchan please lets just go."

[At the Dorms]

Deku goes to his room saying he is going to change into pajamas.



"Leave the door on a crack. I want to be able to hear you if something hapenes."


He is silent, but he still does what i ask.

After i change i walk over to his room. I look through the crack in his door. There he is sitting on his bed, staring at his arm. Fuck did he do it again? I walk in and sit on the bed next to him. There's no new ones, just the 2 he made before.

"Whats wrong?"

"I'm sorry i can't be pretty enough  for you to be seen with me.

"What, is that what you think im doing? *sigh*
It's not that i dont want to be seen with you, its just i have trouble upholding a relationship. All of them always scared to loose you."

" i understand..."

He sounds dissapointed...

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now