Chapter 7 [aizawa finds out]

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Bakugou's POV:
I look over to the nerd seeing that he is wiggling around allot. He looks uncomfortable and he has this weird look on his face. Something is wrong. He turns around and looks me dead in the eye. His eyes are full of tears that are begging to spill out. Wth?
What happened?

Deku's POV:
Shit what am i going to do!? Mr aizawa will see...i can't risk it ,i have to go to the bathroom and change the bandages. I cannot put up my arm or els someone might see the soaked sleeve. The blood is starting to drip on the floor, i cannot wait any longer or els i might pass out again. I decide to make a run for it. I bolt out of that classroom and make a run for it. Halfway down the hall i feel a tug on my arm and im pulled back." OW AGH-"

Aizawa pov:
I was getting the papers ready to hand out the test results when i noticed midoriya standing up frome his seat. I wanted to ask what he was doing but before i could he bolted out of the room. imediatly a red flag went up in my mind so i chased after him. I relized he was to fast to catch Because of his quirk so i activated mine and grappeled onto his arm, pulling him back twords me. I walked closer and notice he was crying.
"what's wrong problem child,what happened."
He didn't  anser me but i could see he had this look on his face, it looked almost as if he was in pain? I walked closer and that's when i noticed he was holding onto the arm my scarf was wraped around.
"please! Please let go-" he wimpered in pain.

Why is he acting like this? I mean yeah the scarf was tied tight around his arm because i had to stop him somehow , but it couldn't  have been that tight. Unless, he has an injury...
I release his arm and immediately  notice my scarf was covered in blood , his jacket was also soaked and it seemed the sorce was under it.
"what happened to your arm midoriya."

Deku's pov:
He i tried to run but aizawa's scarf was tied too tight for me to escaped. It squeezed my arm and i could feel the scabs of the cuts start to reopen again and the ones that were already bleeding only started pouring out more blood.
His scarf was now also covered in blood. I begged him to let go , and he did.
"what happened to your arm midoriya?"

No, he cannot know. I will not let another person find out.
"n-nothing, its alright it was an accident so  don't worry about it."
"were you in a fight? "
"Then  what happened problem child."
"it's fine i said im fine now just let it go." i snapped. He was getting on my nerves and i needed to go to the bathroom. I was already wasting allot of time talking to him, and my body was practicly begging me to be relived.

"midoriya show me your arm please."

Aizawa pov:
I asked him to show me his arm and he looked at me as if i was crazy.

"sir im alright i promise d-don't worry!"
Thats the problem. He is not ok and I can clearly see it.

"midoriya this is not an option, show me your injury now."   i grabbed his hand and pulled him into a separate room. I sat him down on a chair as i could see he was looking pale as a ghost. He tried to resist but i slowly pulled his bloody sleeve  up, revealing the even bloodier bandages underneath. Suspense built up as i started unwrapping them carefully, trying to not hurt him. He was shaking , i guess it could be either out of fear or the pain.

I fully unrap his arm revealing what was causing him to be in such pain. It was quite a struggle , because he kept trying to slip away or wriggle himself out of my hands. He kept pleading with me to stop and begging me to go away but i was prisistant, whatever was underneath these bandages he clearly did not want me to know about it.

(TW: SH)

I looked at his arm and then back up  at him, i was shocked to say the least. It wasn't the first time i saw a student with his problem, but i didn't at all exspect him to do it. The cuts were deep and non stop pouring out with blood, it was dripping onto the floor. How is he still conscious!? Although internally i was panicking
I kept my cool and asked him if there were more. He quickly ansered "no, thats all there is."  i examend his arm and put presure on the bleeding.

"Listen Problem child, can you stand up?"  i asked hesitantly because he looked like he was about to faint.

"yes sensei, i can! But where are we going?"
I was surprised he was so positive and acted like he didn't care at all about the blood pouring out of the menny cuts.

"We are going to Recovery Girl's office." i ansered.

I saw all the color he had left drain frome his face. "what, n-no no it's okay im Fine. I don't need assistance any longer!"

He was shaking and i could see him clenching his jaw.

"Come on kid your loosing allot of blood we need to go now. Whether you come with me or i drag you there, you are going."

His eyes widened and he instantly pulled his arm back while pushing down his sleeve. He took 2 steps back and said.
"NO- i wont go!"
His tone changed...he was no longer kind and reasuring but aggressive and scared... What are you hiding kid?

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