Chapter 12 [Love,Lust and Lies ] TW:SH

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Izuku pov:

-he inches closer and kisses me. His lips crashing against mine was like icing added to a cake, it fit so perfectly. He put his hand to the side of my neck pulling me closer, assuring that i dont pull away this time, not that i would want to. His soft lips refused to let mine get air as i silently started suffocating with plesure. I have been waiting for this moment since middle school and now it's finally here. In an attempt to get air i slightly open my mouth only to be met with Kacchan's tongue filling the space. The sweet taste of the katsudon filled my mouth as we continued making out.
He releases his lips frome mine in order to gaze into my eyes. His face was so sincere so gentle so kind.

Bakugou Pov:
I Couldn't bare the tension anymore, so i went for it. I pushed down all the nerves and kissed him. Excitement and Plesure filled me. My cheeks burned hot as my lips binded with his, it felt so natural. I started running my fingers through his hair and onto the side of his cheek sliding down to his neck, pulling him closer. You wont run away this time, im not letting go. Our bodies met as we stood there in the bathroom making out. My fingers still had a bit of blood on them frome the small cuts the shattered bowl caused. The blood transferred to his neck inprinting in  a almost sliding handprint manner. I pull away frome his delicate lips sothat we could breathe . I gazed into his emerald green eyes that always looks like they hold old memories frome our childhood. Eversince we were in middle school i always fantasized on kissing him but never did. I wonder what would have happened if i only had kissed him, would things still be like this? Would he have done these things to himself? I really did fuck everything up didn't i.

"Im going to go clean the mess we made  in the kitchen... We can continue this later-" and i slowly walk away still in disbelief of what we had done. My cheeks looking practically like tomatoes .

Izuku pov:
He walks away and i turn to look at the mirror in the bathroom. My face and ears are burning red. I notice the bloody hand print on my neck and try to rins it off with hot water. What the hell just happened? Am i dreaming? I slap myself in the face to insure it's not a dream. D-does he like me? But he bullied me, i thought he hated me...he even said it multiple times. He made me relize how worthless i am, how big of a moron i am. Hes only doing this because it will be another way to hurt me, to control me because i dont react when he hits me anymore. Altough he hasn't gotten fisical with me in a very long time? Whatever hes planning idc anymore , im just going to live in the moment and charish his kindess for now.

[The next day]

Bakugou pov:
I stand at the door as im waiting on deku getting ready. He is taking so goddamn long, with this pace we'll for sure be late for first period.  He finished putting on his uniform and said he needed to just brush his teeth,but he has been in the bathroom for over 20 mins, what the fuck is he doing in there. "DEKU GODDAMMIT GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW OR IM LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!"

"I-I'll just be a minute! You can leave so long i will catch up..."   he ansered, he sounded irritated, and as if he was focussing on something. Wth is he doing. I walk over to the door and knock.

"Kacchan? N-no don't come in im almost done i promise!"    he sounded scared. What is he doing. I hesitate before turning the door handel, He sure as hell better not be doing What i think he is...

Izuku pov:
I woke up to a warm feeling on my stomach, i look down and relize i bled through the bandages. Shit, i have to clean this before Kacchan notices, i stand up and start putting on my uniform whilest i put pressure on the bleeding with an old T-shirt. I run to the bathroom trying to avoid Kacchan. I imediatly start trying to contain the bleeding but it wouldnt stop. I took off my shirt revealing all of my injuries and start trying to bandage it. I struggle to open the 2nd packet of newly bought bandages as im also trying to keep myself frome bleeding out, the amount of blood on my hands make it nearly impossible to get the plastick wrapper off. I then hear a knock on the door and imediatly start to pannic. Kacchan CANNOT see me like this, im a bloody mess. Theres blood dripping frome my stomach to my knees and bloody handprints all over my chest and sides. I try to keep him out but my voice is so shakey and i think he suspected something because he then opened the door.
We locked eyes as he stared in horror at me. Shit...
"W-what the fuck..."

Bakugou pov:
I open the door and imediatly froze. There he was standing shirtless with all of his cuts visible now. He had blood dripping on the floor and running down his hands. He was bleeding frome 2 specific cuts on the side of his stomach. Oh deku what have you done. His face was filled with fear , he was shaking so much as if someone threw him with ice water. His eyes were filled with tears as he wimpered in pain. He was holding somthing in a  plastic wrapper but it was so covered in blood i couldn't make out what it was.

"Deku....w-what the fuck..." i wispered in shock.

" i'm so sorry deku."Where stories live. Discover now