Scene 9 - Destination Doctor

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We see inside the Second Doctor's TARDIS where Jamie and Zoe wait impatiently for the Doctor to return.


How much longer is he going to be?

The doors open to see the Second Doctor arrive back in where his companions greet him.




Close the doors, Zoe.

Zoe closes the doors as the Doctor makes for the console in his TARDIS.


Well what was it? Is there someone in trouble?


And if there are any frightening beasties that threaten to harm anyone, you be sure that I'll deal with them.


I'm afraid there's very little I can say for the moment, Zoe. You may only know the truth as you face it.

The TARDIS begins to dematerialise.


Well, where are we going?


Back home, Jamie. As much as I regret to say.

We then cut to see the Fourth Doctor's TARDIS spinning through space leaving Karn. The TARDIS is in flight, and the Fourth Doctor and Romana II arrive back in the control room where K-9 awaits them.

Romana II:

We've been to Karn?

Fourth Doctor:

Yes. Nothing you'll have to worry about.

Romana II:

Nothing to worry about on Karn? Nothing to worry about on Karn?

Fourth Doctor:

There are some things, Romana, that even the most Prydonian of Time Lords must remain innocent from. And I fear that the innocent may already have a big part in it.

Romana II:

How do you mean?


ETA to planet Vulcan now twenty minutes.

Fourth Doctor:

Affirmative, K-9. Affirmative. Not bad even in an old rogue like you, old girl.

Romana II:

Vulcan? Then why are we on our way to Vulcan?

Fourth Doctor:

All important message from the High Council of Time Lords has sent us on a special assignment again, Romana. A war that will endanger the safety of the universe. Baked potatoes versus angry jellyfish. And we're not the only ones with troubles.

We then see the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS zooming through the time vortex as the Tenth Doctor and Rose cling onto the console as they journey through the bumpy ride.


So where are we headed?

Tenth Doctor:

Back to one of the most dangerous places in the universe, Rose. You'll soon recognise it when we get there.

Rose looks at the Doctor, suspecting what he means. As the TARDIS flies through the time vortex, there is another TARDIS that accelerates through the time vortex after the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS. The Ninth Doctor's TARDIS follows close behind in pursuit. We see the Ninth Doctor quickly operate his ship as his TARDIS suffers the same shaky ride through time and space.

Ninth Doctor:

Come on. Come on.

He looks at the scanner showing his journey.

I must know.

His TARDIS then continues to fly after the Tenth Doctor's ship. We then see Clara waiting for the Twelfth Doctor's arrival. Eventually, the Doctor returns and heads for the console.

Twelfth Doctor:

You ok?


Yeah. You?

Twelfth Doctor:

Not too bad.


So what's the big bad news?

The Twelfth Doctor operates the TARDIS console and begins to dematerialise.

Twelfth Doctor:

You're not going to like this, Clara, but Earth seems like it's on the hit list for another alien invasion.


Then we get out there. And save my planet. Like we did yours.

Twelfth Doctor:

Things might get a little complicated this time. For we don't know what we might be facing. We're going to have to take things as it comes.


You're still being mysterious about it. Tell me what happened out there.

Twelfth Doctor:

Planet Earth is about to fry like an egg as usual with these alien schemes. I met up with some old faces. We had a laugh, now we're on our way.


No, you said it was from Gallifrey the message. We end up on Karn, and you talk about the universe about to end. Next thing you're trying to tell me you've met up with your previous incarnations, and you shrug it off like you know what you're doing.

Twelfth Doctor:

I do.


Well to me you don't, Doctor. Now if you told me what was really happening, then I can decide for myself.

Twelfth Doctor:

I don't need someone else telling me who I am. I can decide that myself, not you.


Excuse me?

Twelfth Doctor:

I did meet up with all of me, Clara, because the state of the universe is so bad because home is about to come back with a vengeance to rip the universe to shreds with the help of some pretty nasty baddies to go along with it. So, we go to Earth, where probably something else is going to happen because I can see disaster being spelt over your planet. Then, we find a way to get back home, and put things right. And all through that, you can see who I really am.

Clara is shocked by this.


I didn't realise that I had struck such a nervous chord.

Twelfth Doctor:

Now you do.

Clara approaches the Doctor more carefully.


I'm sorry. I should have been more sensitive over it.

Twelfth Doctor:

And it was me too. Keeping my secrets from you. I know I shouldn't do that to you, Clara Oswald.


Things really are looking bad, aren't they.

Twelfth Doctor:



Well in that case, Doctor, you and me, we are going to sort it out right. We're going to sort out your home. Sort out Earth. And sort out those other funny Doctors.

The Twelfth Doctor cracks a smile...

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