Scene 38 - Doctor Who!

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In the war room, Rassilon is joined by the large sum of Time Lords and other rogues. We have Omega, the John Simm Master, the Rani, the Monk, the Valeyard, Morbius, and Davros joined unhappily within the same room.


What is happening? We are back again. Everything as it was.


Seems as although we have gone back from the Matrix, events happened, but we are left with the consequences of what has freed us.


Now, where were we. I was about to claim my absolute power with the launch of the rocket.


None of you even consider taking what is mine. My power shall be restored.

A voice calls from the fields of Gallifrey out to them. We then hear the sound of the original Doctor Who theme beginning. This iconic sequence will show all the Doctors stepping through a portal and putting the Time Lords in their place by defeating them. Each Doctor will step through at any one time with a hoard of villains. The theme tune for each Doctor's era will play one after the other as the music will build up from each previous era's tune.

First Doctor:

Not quite, my friend. Hmph, hmph, hmph, hmph.

Susan arrives with the First Doctor when they emerge from a projected portal. The original Daleks from Skaro emerge from behind him.


What is this?

First Doctor:

The end of your reign, Omega. Time to put an end to your diabolical scheme once and for all. Isn't that right, my friends?

Dalek 1/2:


We then see a portal emerge from the right, where we see the Second, Third, and Fourth Doctors jump through. Behind them, we see a hoard of friends stand with them; Jamie, Zoe, Liz Shaw, the Brigadier, Sergeant Benton, Captain Yates, Sarah Jane, Harry, Leela, and Romana. Another swarm of monsters stand with them, the Cybermen, Yeti, Ice Warriors, Zygons, Sontarans, and Rutans.

Second Doctor:

You're finished, Rassilon. And the lot of you with it.

Third Doctor:

By reversing the polarity of the neutron flow, we have rejected everything from the Matrix and restored the balance of power on Gallifrey.

Fourth Doctor:

Which now lies in our hands.


I have seen enough meddling Doctors to last us a lifetime. Have them destroyed. All of them!

Cyber Leader:


Commander Skaal:

For the glory of the Sontaran Empire, and all those across the cosmos, it is our honour to save the universe, from you!


Nothing will stop us now.

The Fifth Doctor and his friends emerge from the next portal with Tegan and Turlough. The Autons emerge from behind them.

Fifth Doctor:

As I said, now your power rests in our hands. All the time since you have been dancing and delighting with evil in the Matrix.

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