Scene 36 - Fury Of A Rose

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We see the Tenth Doctor becoming more violently aggressive through the influence of the Valeyard. He punches down the Master time and time again as the fury inside him grows and grows. The Tenth Doctor becoming a murderous Doctor without values or principles becomes increasingly likely as the Doctor's metaphysical makeup drastically changes.

Tenth Doctor:

What have you done to Rose?


I'll be honest. She'll be perfectly fine. All I did was give her a stun and she's out cold.

The Doctor punches him down again.

Go on. Do it. Finish me off. Murder me and show the universe who you really are. Go on. Harder. Harder. Harder!

The Doctor keeps punching him, before he picks up a sharp large chunk of broken monument from the Capitol left on the ground. He prepares to raise like a dagger and destroy the Master, as he waits for the Doctor to kill him. The Doctor prepares to swing it down, but a cane pulls his arm back, preventing him from doing so.

First Doctor:

Leave him, my boy.

The Tenth Doctor is beginning to regain his senses and realises what is going on around him. To the Master's disappointment, he has been spared. We see Clara still trying to convince the Fourth Doctor of his sinful actions.

Fourth Doctor:

If I kill, wipe out millions upon billions of civilisations. Then I become like them. I'd be no better than any of them.


Don't do it. Please don't do it.

The Doctor holds the strands close together, with his hands shaking. KABOOM! BANG! The vibrations force the Doctor to drop the cables. He sees the various incarnations on the monitor and realising that they need help. We cut back to the Valeyard's domain, where he soaks up the regenerations of the Eleventh Doctor. Eventually, the other alternative Doctors begin to whine and groan in agony. Eventually, the Valeyard himself becomes weaker, and drains less energy from the Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor becomes stronger and overpowers the Valeyard. The Second, War, and Ninth Doctor's strength begins to return as well.

Eleventh Doctor:

Of course draining the regenerations from my body will rewrite our lifespan. You, us, and them. A temporal paradox.

Second Doctor:

Eventually, you will feed off our regenerations until our regenerations feed off you.

The alternate Doctors and the Valeyard suffer in agony as they collapse to the ground.

War Doctor:

Time we left I think.

They proceed through one of the cave entrances to see where it leads, but blackness surrounds them entirely.

Second Doctor:

You sure this is the way?

War Doctor:

Course not, but it's as good as any.

The console in the war room explodes and forces the Doctors and Clara away. The Twelfth Doctor regains his strength, and gets back up. More devastating explosions erupt along the Capitol. BANG! BOOM! KABANG! Rocks explode at them and the walls begin to cave in. The Tenth Doctor and Rose arrive into the war room along with the First Doctor.

First Doctor:

This looks like it's it then.

KABOOM! KABANG! KAROAR! KAROAR! The Capitol lights on fire as smoke begins pouring into the war room...

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