Scene 34 - Alternate Reality Or Two

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CRASH! BOOM! BANG! POW! More of Gallifrey begins to crumble and explode into ash across the planet. The Twelfth Doctor keeps trying to bring his other incarnations out of the Matrix. Clara helps support him.


We can evacuate. Yeah? Get everyone out?

Twelfth Doctor:

Back to Earth? When space and time have folded in on itself? Leaving myself inside to be trapped, and rewrite my entire timestream? Never.

The Tenth Doctor meets Rose on one of the higher platforms of the Capitol. Parts of the Capitol begin to crumble, and reduce to a pile of smoke when it crashes down.



They jump into each other, giving a big hug to one another.

Tenth Doctor:

That's it. You're alright now. You're out of it.


Doesn't mean we're safe yet.

Tenth Doctor:

Hell no. The rest of my past selves are still in the Matrix. Then we gotta stabilise Gallifrey back in its correct orbit and strike up its defences. That might just save everything.

The pair begin to run together, but a yellow beam strikes Rose down. She yelps, then topples out down to another platform, bashing herself badly.


The John Simm Master reveals himself.


Oh, Rose, Rose, Rose. Still sentimental after her, Doctor. Whoops. She just happened to be in my line of fire.

Tenth Doctor:

Master, listen, just look at this, just think about what you're doing.


I know precisely what is going on. You allowed us to bring about this. The destruction of Gallifrey. You and your incarnations are trapped in the Matrix. I can still rewrite the whole of time so you could never have existed. Or everything about you I could be.

Tenth Doctor:

Nothing will be able to survive this if Gallifrey goes. The whole of time and space will go in a puff of smoke.


In a puff of smoke the way I finish you off.

Part of the Capitol collapses onto the Master, forcing him down to the side and making him drop his screwdriver. The Doctor tries to grab it, but the Master jumps at him. They begin to wrestle along the top platform fighting over the screwdriver. The Master holds the Doctor down.

This is always the way it's gonna be, Doctor.

The pair of them keep fighting on the Capitol as more explosions devastate the planet. BANG! BOOM!

Twelfth Doctor:

If those explosions reach the Capitol, or the rocket, Clara.

They turn and look at one another. Back in the Matrix, we see the Valeyard continuing to play with the Doctors. The camera shows more visions of alternate versions of the Doctor's universe.


With no Gallifrey. No enforcement. No law and order over the civilisations of the universe. The Daleks and the Cybermen free to terrorise and submit lesser civilisations to their will.

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