Scene 32 - Parallel Doctors

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We see the 3rd Doctor crash into his TARDIS console room, a world projected to him by the Matrix. He rises up, and is presented to the Master standing behind the control console opposite to him. The Master holds his TCE at the Doctor.


Welcome my dear, Doctor. Pleasant journey through the Matrix?

Third Doctor:

I did. Till I woke up a moment ago to meet you. Killing me isn't going to help you. You'll still be trapped in the Matrix.


Maybe so. But there will be another twelve of you I can kill. But I shan't let you go down with the pull of a trigger. Perhaps something a little more sporting.

The Master pulls out a fencing sword and aims it at the Doctor. The Doctor pulls out a fencing sword from thin air.

Third Doctor:

In the Matrix, anything is possible.

They wonder about the console.


You were always a worthy opponent, Doctor. Please no hard feelings for when I surely kill you.

They continue to wander around the console, before the Master begins to attack the Doctor. He defends himself as the fencing battle commences around the console. They hit some of the buttons as they fight on the TARDIS console, forcing the ship to tip sideways and the Doctor and Master fall to the walls where their fighting continues. The side tips over again, and they fall back to another section of the wall. Back in the war room, Clara sees the monitor show the Twelfth Doctor falling through the Matrix. She tries to break him out by activating the console. The camera then cuts to see 12 fall through the Matrix's vortex, but at the end of it, he breaks out and arrives back in the war room with Clara.



Twelfth Doctor:

Clara! We've got to get everything out of it.


I've been trying. But how?

Twelfth Doctor:

The key is embedded in old high Gallifreyan. A complex formula of mathematical solutions to unfold to even begin unscrambling.


You can do it, can't you? You always fix things up. You're the Doctor. I've seen you do it. All throughout your lives. I've seen it. Time and time again.

Gallifrey begins to shake erratically again.

Twelfth Doctor:

Maybe not unless Gallifrey cracks like an egg first. Too much damage has been done to the structure of the planet. And soon there won't be a Matrix or Gallifrey left.

We see the Fourth Doctor inside a creepy, deserted bunker on Skaro, at the time when the Daleks were being created. He gets up and sees Davros hiding in the shadows, with his blue eye distinguishing him from the darkness.


Welcome, Doctor. Awake at last.

Fourth Doctor:

Fancy seeing you here, Davros.


I have seen time unfold, and bend, around me. To consider the principles of seeing everything destroyed. To think of the power to tip the balance of the universe and create a new life. Life to begin again. Mine to control. And through the Daleks, I have attained such power. Watch.

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