Scene 37 - Hopeless

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The Doctors avoid the toppling rubble and raging smoke writhing from outside the war room. More wreckage comes tumbling in as the Doctors come together. We can see the other Doctors trapped within the Matrix trying to break free but to no avail.

Tenth Doctor:

Are we it now?

Fourth Doctor:

Yes. We're the last.

Tenth Doctor:

Is there no way we can get out of this? What about our other...

First Doctor:

Oh you are a tiresome young man. You think we haven't already thought about that. Have you, hmph!

Twelfth Doctor:

The situation is hopeless. One of us might at least stand a chance. Get into any of the TARDISs in the lower levels.

Fourth Doctor:

We certainly wouldn't make it. The lower levels would have been encapsulated by now.

Twelfth Doctor:

We go down together. All of us. Fighting?



Clara covers with 12, and Rose with 10. As we see the Capitol beginning to crack, and the fields of Gallifrey turn into a raging inferno, we see the end of Gallifrey come. BANG! KABOOM! KAROAR! The Fourth Doctor turns to see the control console. Without the knowledge of the others, he takes the pieces of wire and holds them together, preparing to operate the final solution Romana gave to him. The Fourth Doctor begins to operate the control console by reversing everything inside the Matrix, rejecting everything.

We then cut to see the Third Doctor in his TARDIS fade away, the Fifth Doctor falling through the Matrix, then the Sixth Doctor stuck in the TARDIS disappear. The Second, War, Ninth, and Eleventh Doctors then disappear. The Eighth Doctor in his black void also disappears. Finally, the console in which the 7th Doctor clings onto fades out of the Matrix also. The others in the war room rise up, and see what has happened.

Twelfth Doctor:

What's happened? What did you do?

The Doctors begin to fade away. When the camera cuts back, we begin to see Gallifrey restored it's defences. The fires dry up, and Rassilon and the other villains have returned to the war room, intact before the imminent destruction of Gallifrey...

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