Scene 10 - Amusement Park

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The Brigadier has materialised at a new setting, unbeknownst to him. Captain Yates arrive with him. Confused at the presence they find themselves at, the gloomy night at an abandoned funfair with closed-down rides and cobwebs growing on the rides. The deserted setting fills the Brigadier and Captain Yates with a spooky dread.


Yates? Captain Yates?

Captain Yates:



What in heaven's name are we supposed to be doing here?

Captain Yates:

Look at this ghastly place. Like no one has set foot here for some time.


The Doctor is probably playing some trick on us, Yates. Think nothing of it.

Captain Yates:

I see. But where do you think we could possibly be?


It's a part of the country I hardly recognise. Oh, what does the man think he's playing at?

Sergeant Benton arrives unexpectedly.

Sergeant Benton:

Excuse me, sir? It is the Brigadier, isn't it?


Sergeant Benton. How in blue blazes did you also get here?

Sergeant Benton:

I was about to ask you the same question. And where are we?

A female voice cries out from the nearby merry-go-round.


Sounds like someone in trouble. Come on.

The Brigadier and the others hurry over. A figure walks in the shadows in the far distance. This person heard the Brigadier, the Captain, and the Sergeant. They emerge from behind another one of the rides, and turn to us, revealing to the camera her face – Kate Stewart.

Kate Stewart:


The woman hangs in an awkward position on one of the seats. A man rushes to her and helps her up. He is revealed as Harry Sullivan.

Harry Sullivan:

Here you go. Here. Let me help you up.

The woman is helped up, and is revealed as Sarah Jane Smith! Once they see who they are to one another, they are delighted to meet, even if it's rather unusual and unsettling circumstances.

Sarah Jane Smith:

Thank you. I don't know why I... Harry?

Harry Sullivan:

Sarah? Is that really you?

Sarah Jane Smith:

Oh, Harry!

Harry Sullivan:

Why Ms Smith! Thank goodness I've found you. Just as well I heard you. I thought I was lost in this dreary place. Been wandering around here for the last few minutes absolutely baffled how or why we're here.

The Brigadier, Captain Yates, and Sergeant Benton arrive at the merry-go-round and try to help the woman out of them.


You alright?

Sarah and Harry meet the Brigadier and his men, from a point in time when they hadn't met Sarah or Harry.

Sarah Jane:

I think so. A bit bruised and...

She is shocked at who she meets.



Let me help you out of there.

She is helped out, leaving Harry alone to get himself out. Sarah Jane is startled to see the members of UNIT who don't seem to recognise her.

Sarah Jane:

Sergeant Benton? And Captain Yates, wasn't it?

Sergeant Benton:

You both know us, Miss?

Sarah Jane:

Of course. Can't you remember me? Sarah? Sarah Jane Smith? The Doctor? I was the Doctor's assistant?

Captain Yates:

You used to travel with the Doctor?

Harry Sullivan:

Yes of course. We are all friends with the Doctor. And why don't you seem to recognise me, sir? I was a member of UNIT as well, sir. And you Captain Yates, I thought you'd resigned something about Britain's golden age with the dinosaur invasion over London.

Captain Yates:

I'm sorry? Dinosaur invasion?

Sarah Jane:

 Wait a minute, Harry. None of this is making sense right now. It might be them, but unless it's at an earlier...

Kate Stewart arrives to join with the others.

Kate Stewart:

Unless maybe we haven't all met and known each other properly. You're the first souls I've seen for hours. Call me Kate, Brigadier.


Kate? Kate who?

Kate Stewart:

Kate Stewart, sir.


Oh really? It's a small world. My surname is also Stewart. Brigadier, Lethbridge Stewart, ma'am.

Kate Stewart:

The pleasure is all mine.

Sarah Jane Smith:

Yes, well greetings are all very nice, but does anyone know why we are here. And what this grizzly place is supposed to be?


We haven't the foggiest, Miss Smith. First thing we ought to do is to figure out exactly what this place is and why we are here. Is there no way out of here?

Kate Stewart:

I'm afraid not. I've been searching for an exit, but I've just been wandering around for hours. Like it's an infinite maze.

Harry Sullivan:

Are you quite sure? Not the slimmest chance of the way out at all?

Kate Stewart:

Positive. This amusement park is the setting for a meeting point. I doubt that we are simply here to stay wondering about for nothing else to happen.

Sergeant Benton:

Well what to happen?

Kate Stewart:

I don't know. But I think we will have to find the answers by looking for them.


Splendid idea. We best stick together. And maybe we might find some more of us who unfortunately have been dragged into this.

As the group set off to wander through the creepy stillness of the cold, shut theme park, we see a statue watching from afar hunting them like prey. The Weeping Angels were closing in...

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