Scene 31 - The Doctor's Timeline

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We see Clara try to operate the damaged console to get any of the Doctors back, but nothing was working. Gallifrey was still beginning to crumble due to the effects of the invasion and upon the Time Lords' deactivation of defences. The planet keeps shaking as Gallifrey begins to be destroyed. We then cut to see the Twelfth Doctor falling through the Matrix as he begins to see old faces appear in front of him as he falls throughout his own timeline. Various other incarnations flash in front of him as he tries to get contact with them, maybe to even say something to them or to create a mind lock, it was useless. The flash faces of old companions begin to run through very quickly, looming at the Doctor before they fade away.







The Twelfth Doctor cannot stand the screams as he lets the fall of gravity take him through the endless Matrix. Clara continues fiddling through the computer panel, but she gets shots of various people from the Doctor's timeline on the monitor. We begin with Ian and Barbara with footage from An Unearthly Child.


It's a faint vibration.


It's alive.


No, no, no! That's not what I want.


Let me get this straight. A thing that looks like a police box, standing in a junkyard. It can move anywhere in time and space.

She flashes forward.

Doctor who? Perhaps if we knew his name we might have a clue to all this.

Clara then gets depictions of Grace Holloway from the Eighth Doctor's era.


It's not often you get a Time Lord in one's living room, Doctor.

Clara still can't understand what's going on.


I know these people. I've seen them before. They used to travel with the Doctor.

We then get flashback shots of Donna Noble flashing on the screen as Clara pushes the buttons on the monitor to see if any of them will help her. This then cuts to seeing the Eleventh Doctor falling through the vortex as he tries to regain his senses about what's going on. Various items begin to flash around him, ranging from Psychic Papers, Timey Wimey Detectors, and odd items from the Doctor's past. The Mona Lisa, Sharaz Jek's mask, Cybermats, and River Song's diary whiz around the Doctor to name a few items. A fez flies through past the Doctor, which he grabs onto and puts on. He spots River's diary and hears the call of River through the time vortex.


Sweetie? Oh, sweetie? Where are you?

Eleventh Doctor:

River? You here?


I'm all around you, sweetie. I'm everywhere.

We see the Fifth Doctor falling through the vortex where he begins to see other items fall around him. Cricket bats, cricket balls, celeries, chess sets, the Key To Time, and a recorder fall around him. Nyssa calls out to him from within the Matrix.


I'm here. Can't you see me?

Fifth Doctor:

Nyssa? Is that you?


Hurry. Around here.

The Sixth Doctor falls through the Matrix as well. We see Frobisher fall around him, as well as the Paternoster Gang, along with a Sonic lance, and a glass of carrot juice. Mel calls out to the Doctor as well. As the Sixth Doctor had not yet Mel, he is able to recognise her because the Doctors' timstreams have clashed once again, meaning that they are out of phase and worsened with the nonsensical reality of the Matrix.


Come on, Doctor. Hurry!

Sixth Doctor:

Mel? I know you. From my future. But we haven't... not yet.


All of you together in the Matrix means you can remember me from your future. But that doesn't matter. You know me and we can get out of here together. Trust me. Reach out for my hand.

We interchange between the various Doctors as they fall through the Matrix. River appears in the far distance for the Eleventh.


Come to me, sweetie. Come. Help me. I'm trapped.

Nyssa appears in the far distance for the Fifth Doctor.

Fifth Doctor:

Hold on, Nyssa. I'm on my way.

The Fifth Doctor tries to float through to get Nyssa. The Sixth Doctor begins swimming towards Mel in the far distance.


That's it, Doctor. Come this way.

The Sixth Doctor stops.

Sixth Doctor:

No. No, it couldn't be you. It's an illusion. It must be.

We cut back to the Fifth Doctor.

Fifth Doctor:

How can you be here and be real? You were left on Terminus. You weren't part of the interphase when it encompassed me and the rest of my timeline.

This then cuts back to River and 11.


How can you say that about me? I'm here. I'm real. It's me.

We cut back to the Sixth Doctor.

Sixth Doctor:

This is an illusion. I deny it!

Before we return to the Fifth Doctor.

Fifth Doctor:

I deny this reality. The reality is a computation matrix!

We see each of the three companions wickedly laugh as they come zooming towards the camera where their mouths open and engulf the Doctor. The Doctors then fall through a black abyss into the smoky cloud beneath them.

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