Scene 35 - The 4th Doctor's Right?

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KABOOM! POW! BANG! Clara sees more of the explosions across the planet. The Fourth Doctor finishes his work, and two wires are left outside of the machine. Clara approaches the Fourth Doctor.


Help him.

Fourth Doctor:

The situation is far too great to help him. Touch these strands together, and the universe is finished. Have I that right?


You can't. You touch one wire against the other, and that's it. All of us. All of it will be gone.

Fourth Doctor:

We destroy our entire timeline. And the universe along with it. Or we allow the Master and the Time Lords to start up again.


But you can find a way. You always find a way out of it.

Fourth Doctor:

Sometimes. It's not that it's easy. Because what I hardly do ever works.

We see more explosions across Gallifrey, the planet ready to break up like an egg. The Tenth Doctor goes insane and aggressively beats the Master up, punching him as the Master laughs and his face bleeds.


We're all pacifists until war reaches our doorstep, Doctor.

The Tenth Doctor keeps hitting the Master, unable to prevent himself from the effects of the Valeyard on his time stream.


You're the Doctor. You're a healer. To help where you need it. To fix and mend things. Then pass through.

We see a montage of all the other Doctors as Clara narrates.

Don't play God. If you kill, and wipe out every damn universe that you've saved, then you will become like everything you hate. You would be no better than any one of them. Is this what the Doctor would do? Would he want this? To see children's skies burn and their towns and cities ravaged by warfare? You are not a Doctor of war. But a good man. Some people will hate you because of the way others love you. And that's ok. For what one once wise man told me about fear and hatred. It can be a superpower. It can make you run faster and fight harder than ever. Do you have the right for this?

The montage begins by showing the Third Doctor operating his TARDIS console, to showing the 5th Doctor continuing to fall through the Matrix. We see the 11th Doctor begin dying because of the Valeyard as the Second, War, and Ninth Doctors are powerless to help. The Eighth Doctor watches carnage unfold, and the Sixth Doctor stares out into the Matrix, where we cut to see the 7th Doctor flying through the vortex on the console. We then finally return to the Fourth Doctor and Clara. Once the sequence ends, we see more devastating explosions occur across Gallifrey again...

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