Scene 13 - The Angels

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The Brigadier, Kate, Sarah, Harry Sullivan, Sergeant Benton, and Captain Yates continue wandering around the disturbingly haunted amusement park as the clouds frighteningly darken. They cautiously continue through together in a cluster, careful of the darkening atmosphere around them.

Sergeant Benton:

I still don't like this. How do we know we're not walking into an ambush?


We must assume that we are, for now, Sergeant Benton.

We see another Weeping Angel hiding between the rides behind them. As they continue forward, Kate sees something standing by another merry-go-round. It was a statue. She looked at it but blinked. Once she opened her eyes, it had gone.

Kate Stewart:

I thought...



Kate Stewart:

I thought I saw a man over there. Probably nothing. Nothing but mere shadows.

Sarah has stopped because she thought there was someone behind her. She turned about and then a flash of a man zoomed away. Sarah is concerned at what she thought she saw behind her. As the group continue around the other passage, they forget about her and continue on leaving Sarah alone. Once she turned back around, the others had gone. Behind her again, she hears the TARDIS beginning to materialise. The TARDIS arrived, and Sarah is delighted to see the blue police box stand in front of her. She didn't have time to let the others know because the Doctor opened the doors to greet her. The Doctor in his Fourth incarnation meets Sarah as he stands inside his TARDIS. The TARDIS has blue energy fizzing around it.

Fourth Doctor:


Sarah Jane:

Doctor! It's you! I knew you'd come back to get me again! Listen, Doctor, where are we?

Fourth Doctor:

Sarah, you, the Brigadier, and your friends are in terrible trouble. You are trapped in a manipulated time eddy. I don't know how much time I will have here with you. But you need to know that you're lives are in danger.

Sarah Jane:

What? Well, why can't we just get out of here with you?

Fourth Doctor:

Because I can only draw enough power to get this far. And in the remaining time I have left, I can tell you and the others how to get out alive.

Sarah Jane:

Ok. What?

Fourth Doctor:

This setting has been created through a rupture created by the Time Lords. For the moment, everything is out of flux. You, the Brigadier, and the others have been repelled into this time eddy. And you've got Angels by your side.

Sarah Jane:

What Angels?

Fourth Doctor:

A species made to look like stone, and are quantum locked. You've seen them here haven't you? You thought you had. But then you blinked, didn't you? And then they moved. You didn't see them move at all.

Sarah carefully looks around.

Sarah Jane:

They're here. Aren't they?

Fourth Doctor:

Oh yes. And they're after you and the Brigadier.

Sarah Jane:

Well what can we do to get out of here?

Fourth Doctor:

Follow the traces of artron energy. Time Lord power. Part of the TARDIS. Blue spurts of energy. Much like this. Follow the clues. And it will get you and the others out.

Sarah Jane:

But Doctor, the Angels. What about them? How do we fight them...

Fourth Doctor:

Ah. Times up. Must be headed back, Sarah. Sorry.

Sarah Jane:

But after all this, you'll get us back together again. You'll find a way.

Fourth Doctor:

Oh yes, Sarah. I certainly will. Warn the others, Sarah. Watch for the Angels. And don't forget to brush your teeth!

The fizzing blue energy forces the Doctor to close the doors and for the TARDIS to dematerialise away. Harry Sullivan comes around the corner after Sarah Jane.

Harry Sullivan:

Sarah? You alright, old thing? What was that?

Sarah Jane:

The answer to all our problems, Harry.. Come on.

They rejoin the party waiting for them. However, the Weeping Angels are watching menacingly from afar.


You alright?

Sarah Jane:

Fine. And I know exactly how to get out of here. We need to start looking for it.

She leads the party forward.

Kate Stewart:

It would help if you told us exactly what we needed to be looking for.

We then see a Weeping Angel hiding out of their sight on a ride. It then turns its head to face the party as their close-in commenced...

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