Scene 12 - VGR

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Rassilon commands the attention of the villainous Time Lords and villains around the hexagonal console. He strides up and confidently announces the Omega Answer.


Gentlemen. May I present to you, the origin of our Gallifreyan heritage. Our variable geometry rocket.

An image depicts on the screen with a sleek silver rocket with extended wings around the bottom of the craft. Its nose cone is marked black and features the words "VGR" along each side of the rocket.

Conceptualised by myself and engineered with the genius of Omega, the installation is armed with a high-powered incendiary warhead and fitted with innovative wings to for horizontal travel across the galaxy. Based on the richest deposits of Vallidium, it is destined to fly to any corner of the known universe. It can withstand the collapse of a black hole and harness the power of a sun against itself.

The others watch with fascination.


With the rocket, my power... I mean my black hole can generate an energy that will transmit to any time I choose. Without my rocket, we would have no Eye of Harmony, no honourable nobility, no Hand, nothing.


Superb. Brilliant. Absolutely fascinating.


Yes. How else could we generate the power from our black hole without first being able to gain access to it?


From our VGR, we have been able to see the turn of the universe and watch it wield around us.


No one else would begin to imagine the power that we possessed at our mercy when we had access to it. My rocket. I, I Omega!


Why have none of us previously been made aware of this before?


Why do you think? Our successors shamed this upon us. Believing that we had the power to rip the universe to shreds. They failed to understand what we could have achieved. We could have made the universe a beautiful paradise. Bring about happiness and joy to every civilisation under our own protection.


They failed to see our perspective. These tiny bureaucrats were ashamed, embarrassed with the results. We could freeze planets in time loops and spore organic life on any world we chose.


Once again, this whole ordeal was quietly tucked under the carpet. Go and forgotten by the time they had finished with both of you.




The same stinking High Council believed that our place was to merely observe the galaxy. To provide order and a law above those we seek to command. Not to benefit or improve life in any way. To shape it. Destroy or nullify. Until now.


The rocket is designed to fly as any conventional aircraft does. Its flight path and target are pre-programmed from here, and activated by a simple four letter key code.


The answer to which died with the Time Lords. All bar two of us.


Perfect. Now you two are here to open the floodgates to universal domination.


The original Time Lord origin, Rani. It's exploitation shall make us invincible. And Omega avenged!

Commander Skraal:

Gallifrey will still remain our focal nervous point?


Quite so. We shall rewrite time to our bidding.


And of course consider our other means we have to command. When we engineer our rocket to meet our new demands, then we will become the almighty lords of time.

Cyber Leader:


Omega has entered the unseen four letter key code.


It shall be done.

The Sontaran Commander confides with two Sontaran troopers manning the console.

Commander Skraal:

We have the power we Sontarans have dreamed of.

Sontaran 1:

Indeed, Commander Skraal, sir. We will obliterate our enemies at last in the most humiliating agonies we Sontarans can desire.

Commander Skraal:

As soon as we possess full access to this Gallifreyan magic, we have prepared our troops to immediately dispense of these foul species for good.

The VGR is being prepared for launch.


VGR launch bay commencing set up.

The Cyber Leader confides with another Cyberman in the corner.

Cyber Leader:


The Master, the Rani, the Monk, and Morbius all help Rassilon and Omega prepare the rocket at the console.


Code unlocked. Rani, if I could have help with you transcribing these translations.


What translations? Don't you realise...


Now, Rani. Come.

The Rani rolls her eyes as she and the Master discuss a conversation at the entrance to the war room.

You don't really expect Rassilon or Omega to let us share in the glory they have promised us? Not to these primitive species?


Of course not. You're not trying to form an alliance with me I hope so you think we can get out of this together?


No. But to be at each other's side when the time comes for those two megla-maniacs to take over. That way whenever they do, we can be there to stay one jump ahead. So we may wrong-foot them and take the power for ourselves. What do you say?


I'm not so convinced. But for my sake, if it means I get what I set out to get, I'll tolerate you. But when we are the last two fighting for power left, you may be sure that I'd kill you.


Consider that an agreement twofold.


Rocket silo prepared. Now for the rocket itself.

We see a large hanger concealed underground being prepared for the mighty ship to depart in. A gigantic silver slab under the ground hides the silo underneath. We see smoke pouring from the outlet of the rocket. We take a powerful stare at the gigantic VGR and its impressive features, as the countdown prepares for launch. We then see the view of the camera zooming towards the black hole which generates Gallifreyan power, and also the rocket's destination...

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