Scene 39 - Been So Nice To Meet Us

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We see various TARDISs of all the Doctors situated in the red fields of grass spread across the hills of Gallifrey. The Doctors wander through together, making their way to their TARDISs.

War Doctor:

Gallifrey has been restored to the end of the universe. The evil has ended. And Gallifrey will be left to pick the pieces up and start again.

Fifth Doctor:

It will do. Gallifrey usually does.

Tenth Doctor:

Romana can start Gallifrey afresh again. The rebuilding of the planet. Our planet.

Second Doctor:

Well, the location of Gallifrey has been found again. What are the chances of another invasion?

Fourth Doctor:

Oh. I think we can leave Romana for that as well. The coordinates may move again to protect from another alien invader.

Ninth Doctor:

We won't be here to mop up the work. I shouldn't be seeing this. I know exactly what happened to my planet. Seeing all of you with my home safe and sound reminds me of what made me leave.

Sixth Doctor:

We best be going. All of us. None of us should really be here at all.

Eleventh Doctor:

Now we've done what we needed to. We should return to our proper times and places.

Seventh Doctor:

But it's good to know that my future is in safe hands.

Second Doctor:

Ah, well it's been so nice to meet me.

Third Doctor:

Yes. Well I hope I don't meet me, again.

Ninth Doctor:

Be seeing you.

The Ninth Doctor is the first to leave.

Fourth Doctor:

He does prefer to keep himself distant.

Eleventh Doctor:

Yes. Well, I think Amy, Rory, and myself deserve a holiday.

Fifth Doctor:


The Eleventh Doctor departs.

War Doctor:

As he said. We should all be returning to our proper times and places. Till the next time.

Fifth Doctor:

Brave hearts, all of us.

Eighth Doctor:

I look forward to it.

The War Doctor, Fifth, and Eighth Doctors are the next to depart. Some of the TARDISs begin leaving.

Sixth Doctor:

It's been the time of our lives.

Third Doctor:

Whilst your enjoying the pleasure of time and space, I'm still stranded back on Earth. But I must say I have had a most exhilarating experience being away from Earth. But some of us still have to play by the Time Lords.

Second Doctor:

Do tell us all about it some other time.

The Sixth, Third, and Second Doctors depart.

Seventh Doctor:

To the days to come.

The Seventh Doctor departs.

Tenth Doctor:

I see what was meant about this being a strange place to be. A world that shouldn't exist in my time. Still. At least Gallifrey is safe. For now.

The Tenth Doctor leaves. The First, Fourth, and Twelfth Doctors are the last remaining Doctors. The other TARDISs are leaving.

Fourth Doctor:

You two seem very quiet.

First Doctor:

To think that I have seen it all now. My future I mean. Not that I will be able to remember any of this due to the stream of all thirteen of ourselves. You the last then, my man, hmph?

Twelfth Doctor:

For now.

Fourth Doctor:

There were more of us?

Twelfth Doctor:

Yes. Different versions of ourselves we could have been. Any deviation, any second, creates an alternative world. And the ones we saw in there could have been any of us for all we know.

Fourth Doctor:

Well. Anyway. Think it over with a jelly baby.

He offers the First and Twelfth Doctors a jelly baby. 12 has one, but 1 looks curiously at the pack.

First Doctor:

What is this? Are they supposed to be sweets or something?

Fourth Doctor:

Yes. Try one. You'll soon learn to like them.

Twelfth Doctor:

Red or orange are the best.

The First Doctor takes one and eats it.

First Doctor:

Hmph. Yes. They are good. They are rather good, aren't they?

Fourth Doctor:

They are, aren't they? Think it over will you, hey? Then we can get back sometime and talk it over.

The Fourth Doctor begins leaving.

And remember to brush your teeth.

Twelfth Doctor:

Suppose we might.

First Doctor:

Might? Might what?

Twelfth Doctor:

Think over who were are. From what we stand for. What we represent.

First Doctor:


Twelfth Doctor:

The Doctor.

First Doctor:


Twelfth Doctor:


The First Doctor leaves, disgruntled by his future incarnation. We are left with the Twelfth Doctor.

Doctor who?

We see the Twelfth Doctor then leave as we hear the materialisation of more TARDISes...

Doctor Who: The Thirteen DoctorsWhere stories live. Discover now