Scene 26 - Sontarans Vs Rutans

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We see the 4th Doctor and Romana on Vulcan continuing to carefully wander across the planet as they hear the brutal fighting in the far distance. They hear a slurp come from behind them and gooey footsteps approach from behind. Romana stops and they turn about.

Fourth Doctor:

Some simple weaknesses Sontarans are prone to. Aside from the obvious probic vent on the back of the neck of course, the Tellurian Drive in which Sontarans feed of pure energy means that if things are slightly altered, the Drive feeds on the energy of the Sontarans. Usually they're located aboard their battle cruisers and spacecraft, mind you.


Doctor. Doctor.

The Doctor turns around, and a Sontaran aims his gun at them. This Sontaran looks identical to Group Martial Shpex. He has risen from the Mercury pools and takes the Doctor and Romana hostage.

Group Martial Sphex:

That's far enough, Earth scum.

We see newly bred Sontarans in uniform rise from the pools around them to aim their guns at them.

Our first blood. Two stinking Earth colonists. The first two of a dozen to fall to the might of the glorious Sontaran Empire.

We cut back to the computer bank where the First, Sixth, and Seventh Doctors await for their other incarnations to arrive. The 12th, 11th, 5th, 3rd, and 2nd Doctor's party arrive. The 12th and 11th Doctors arrive, followed by Clara, Amy, and Rory, followed by the 5th Doctor with Tegan and Turlough, the 3rd Doctor and the UNIT members, and the 2nd Doctor with Jamie and Zoe.

First Doctor:

Ah. At last. What kept you?

Sixth Doctor:

Seems as if you've brought a whole welcome party with you.

Twelfth Doctor:

Well, it doesn't matter. Only twelve of us are going through. The fissure should be able to take the weight.

Eleventh Doctor:

The other one is going around the back through the Death Zone.


Wait a minute, you're not saying that you're keeping us here?


You've already said it enough times how dangerous this is, and you think we can't be there to hold your back when you need it?

Seventh Doctor:

This is a non-negotiable matter.


Oh, Professor, after how far we've come.

Seventh Doctor:

No, Ace. You stay here.


And what do you expect us to do in the meantime?

Twelfth Doctor:

Keeping you safe. We've lost everything once before. And we won't allow it to happen again. Not to anyone of you.

Sixth Doctor:

Each and everyone of you stand like ghosts around us.


Then if we are, don't let us die for nothing. Or let us become a shadow behind you.

We cut back to Vulcan where the Sontarans keep the Doctor and Romana hostage.

Fourth Doctor:

Freshly bred from the pools of Mercury. Obviously a perfect opportunity to grow new soldiers from.

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