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George POV:

I get out of the airplane and I hear a ding on my phone. It's Dream who texted me, I smile.

My bitch❤️

Hey George do you wanna
Join the stream? Me and the Feral boys are doing a jackbox stream:)
Read at: 2:39pm

I wanted this to be a surprise when I go to the Dream team house so imma just say..

Hi Dream! I can't join the
Stream bc I'm with my family
Rn and I have to have some
Family time with them, so...Maybe in
Two days? Sorry..
Read at: 2:40pm

Oh no that's fine Georgie:) go spend
Time with your family, just stay safe.💚
Read at: 2:41pm

Ok Dream you to stay safe :]💙
Read at: 2:43pm

I smile, how nice Dream is. He's just so perfect... While.. if Sarah responds she would force me to leave.. Wait.. what am I saying?!? I shouldn't be comparing my best friend to my girlfriend.

I leave the airport after I get my luggage and I get an taxi. Dream gave me his address for a joke, but I still saved it. The taxi is going to be here in 20 minutes so I pull out a cigarette and lighter.

I light the cigarette and breath it in. Smoke comes out as I breath out, this is very calming to me somehow. But whenever something bad happens I aways do this, it makes me more calmer. I do this a couple more times and put the cigarette in the garbage tray thing.

The taxi gets here and I get in the car"Where do you need to go, hun?" The Uber lady ask, she looked like she was in her late 20s, was a dirty blonde and had short hair, like really short hair with I think extention but they look really good. and a pretty good outfit, I think she dressed up emo? I don't really know. "heres the address" I smile,

Me and the Uber lady talk, she was pretty nice."hows your day?" She ask, "it was good, how was yours?"

"It's going well!"

Okay im just going to say it, hopefully she doesnt think im weird "I really love your outfit, where did you get it from?"

"Oh im so glad you ask and thank you! I got this half of this stuff from HotTopic and some of this from Spencer's!" I gasp and smile

"I love those stores!what's your name?"

"My name is Luna! Whats yours?"

"Thats a pretty name! My name is George!" I smile. She's super nice.

"Well George. Are you going to stay with anyone like your lover or your friends?" She ask,

"yeah! I have a girlfriend but shes back home, but im just meeting my best friends"

"Well thats nice! Whats your sexuality? If your comfortable sharing"

"Oh yeah, I think im bi, I definitely think im not straight." We both laugh, "what sexuality are you?" I ask

"Im lesbian and I have a girlfriend." I smile, she did look like she was a lesbian. "Hun, we're here at your destination!" She says, "okay thank you! Have a nice day!" I smile, "you to" I grab my luggage from the trunk, but before I go to there front door. I go to Luna,

"Luna? Can I get your number?.. if you're comfortable with that?.. dont get the wrong idea, you just seem pretty cool." She smiles, "yeah! I'd love to have your number!" I smile, we both give each other our numbers and we say bye to each other.

I finally go to there front door take a deep breath, 'okay... I'm going to meet my two bestfriends that one of them I haven't even seen their face before so, I do not want to cry' I knock on the door, I hear shouting "Mom! Is that you?! You know you can open the doo-" the door opens.

It's Dream.. Dirty blonde with piss eyes, freckles everywhere on his face going below his shoulders, messy hair, he probably just woke up from a nap. And... his sweats are below his hips... Hot... 'WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I THINKING THIS. STOP.' I look up at Dream. "George..?" Dream says looking down at me with a smile,

my eyes tear up. "Yes Dream, its me George" I smile and hug him, My head digs in his upper chest "Your-your actually here..." I look at him with my teary eyes, Dream looks at me with a confused look "why are you crying?" He cupped my face with both of his hands.

I smile, "im just so happy" Dream wiped my tears. "Im also so happy but I need to get Sapnap" he uncups my cheeks, my face turns red. "Nick! Get yo ass down here!"

Am I blushing?? Why am I blushing, he's my best friend and I have a girlfriend! "GEORGE, HOLY SHIT YOURE HERE!!?!??" I snap out of my thoughts as Sapnap scares me, "Sapnap you scared the living shit out of me"

They both gasp, "GOGY SWEARS!?!!?!?" they both say, I roll my eyes. But Sapnap tackles me to the ground, he's more heavier than me so I cant really do anything. Then my bruise that my girlfriend punched starts hurting again. "Sapnappp get off of meee"


Sapnap please get the hell off me, but I dont wanna tell, so act do what she told you to."Dreammmm helppp meee" I say out of breath. Dream wheezles, I groan.

he finally gets off me and we go inside, and this house is big.

"This is a big house. How'd you afford it??" I say, Dream chuckles and looks at me. "George. When you have fans and they buy your merch, you're going to get a lot of money. So... I'm basically a millionaire. I think you know that.. right George?"

I blush and look down, "yeah... But! You two have more money than me." I smile still with a face fully red. "Okayyy, well this is the living room and right next to it is the kitchen, but keep in mind if you see Sapnap cooking, stop him. He's Going to burn the kitchen down. Again"
Dream said,

"that was only one time!!" Sapnap rolled his eyes. I laugh, "okay go on with the tour" I smile, Dream shows me where everything is in the kitchen but Sapnap interrupts."guys, sorry my parents texted and I have to leave for just four days. Sorry..." Sapnap said with a frown, I have a sad look. "Okay... bye Sapnap." I hug him tightly, "bye gogy."

"Bye Dream" they both hug, "bye Nick." He runs downstairs, "BYE GUYS! SEE YOU IN FOUR DAYS!!" We both said bye, silence fills the room, but I interrupt. "Go on with the tour."

"bathroom, and if we go upstairs..."

We go upstairs, "we have a guest room... but it can turn into your room its just..." I follow behind Dream going into the guest room, I turn on the light. It looked like shit.

Dust everywhere, boxes everywhere, air mattress half blown, and a very dirty desk. I look at Dream in disappointment, his face turned red from embarrassment. "Uhmmm, okay dont blame me, okay. Me and Nick were going to work on this, but... I forgot and Nick didn't remind me anything about it." Dream chuckles,

"Oh, blaming it on your Adhd, huh Dream." I say, "hey! I forgot to take my pills that day... or wait did I?" I chuckle and pat his back, "its okay Dream, I was just joking."

We both smile at eachother, I feel butterflies in my stomach. Why am I feeling this.

I don't have a crush on my bestfriend while I have a girlfriend right...?


okay Luna is not going to be a bad character!! She's going to help George through the chapters, whatever happens!!! She's a slay lesbian, like every lesbian.

Question whoever is reading I need to know are their lesbians reading this story or reading any of my other stories?? I wanna say hello to all my lesbian amigas because I'm one too.


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