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I forgot to say in the last chapter that this story is still not over yet😥
George POV:

It was the afternoon when I woke up. The blinding light hiting my eyes as I squinted. I still felt Dreams body against mine, his arms now loosely wrapped around my waist.

I hear a knock on the door, "George? Dream?" It was Karl.

"Yeah, Karl?" I look at the door.

Karl opens the door, peeking his head over to see us.

"You two, ok?" Karl whispers.

I nod but feel the pain relief pills wear off. My body started to hurt slowly, and every stitch started stinging.

"Yep." I breathe out.

"Tell me if you need anything, ok George? Or ask Dream." Karl says.

"Okay." I feel the pain getting worse as I clench my fist.

"You can go to sappy nappy. He probably wants to kissy kiss you." I tease, trying to ignore the pain he was feeling.

"Oh, shush it, George." Karl rolls his eyes, blushing slightly. "And we made breakfast."

"Wait, Sapnap managed to help without burning down the house?" George asked.

Karl let out a small giggle, "I told him just to do the bread because I knew Dream would bitch him out."

"You know Dream." Karl went on, George smiles, looking down at his sleeping lover.

George ran his fingers through Dreams messy, grown out dirty blond hair. "Yeah, I love him." George had a sweet smile on his face.

"I'm gonna go see if Sapnap actually didn't burn the sausages." Karl chuckles with a smile, but it slowly becomes worrying.

"Ok, uhm- I really do need to make sure - see you downstairs, George!" Karl says before I hear fast footsteps going downstairs.

I let out giggles a little at Karl's reaction to Sapnap cooking. But it was true. He would've burned the sausages or any type of food.

I looked down at Dream but felt a sharp pain in my head. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath.

Admiring my lover while feeling the worst fucking pain I've ever felt in my body.

"You know you have a staring problem when it comes to looking at me." Dream jokes in his groggy raspy morning voice.

George got a little startled by Dream talking, "Wait - you were awake that whole time?" He saw Dream look up at him with his bed hair.

"Mmm, no. Only when I heard you mutter something." Dream mumbles, squeezing me causing me to wince.

I saw Dreams eyes completely get worried, looking up at me. "Are you ok? Did the pills wear off?" He asked in a concerned tone.

I bite my lip, but nod. I rub my forehead, groaning as the pain got worse.

"Sweetheart, you should've woken me up. You know that, I would've helped you." Dream says in a soft tone, sitting up as I see him grab the pain pills and water from the nightstand.

I was looking at the ceiling, feeling Dream tap me. Looking over to the beauty over me.

"You're gonna have to sit up in order to swallow the pill, my love." He still was speaking in such a soft, comforting tone, and I loved it. I could listen to Dream speak any day because how sweet and deep his voice is.

I nod as I sit up slowly, feeling Dreams eyes on me. I looked at him once I sat against the headboard.

"Here, love." Dream says, his sweet loving voice going through my ears.

I take the pill, swallowing it with the water. "Karl and Sapnap made breakfast." I say.

"I hope Sapnap didn't cook." Dreams lips thin.

"The house would've been burned down if he did." I joke with a smile.

"Oh, he would." Dream responds with a chuckle.

I was still in the worst pain ever, but the pain pills were starting to work a bit. I lean my head on Dreams chest, the back of my head. I can't.

"You hungry?" Dream asked.

"Yeah." I nod a bit, looking up at Dream.

"Let's go downstairs and hope they didn't burn anything." Dream smiles.

I nod as he kissed my forehead. Starting to go downstairs.

I think im gonna just do two more chapters because it's the only idea I have for this story, so I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Thank you for all the votes, reads, and sweet comments:)


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