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Tw‼️: abuse, blood, blades, and slurs
3rd person:

Georges breath hitched when he turned around.

It was Sarah.

"What the fuck George?! You're supposed to be with me! Not with that fag!" She slapped him and pushed him against the stall door, making him fall onto the ground. He hit his head on the toilet, which caused a big wound on the back of his head.

George felt dizzy, his heart beating faster than ever. Scared, he was scared to say anything right now.

"Sarah - I'm sorry -" He coughed out.

"Sorry for what?! Cheating on me!!" Sarah hit him in the guts. A loud gasp came out of the brunet. He held his head with his shaky hands, blood gushing out from the back of his head.

Tears were streaming down his face.

"You crybaby! I'm taking you fucking back! You're mine and only mine! You need to learn a lesson!" Sarah punched the sobbing brunet in the face.

George couldn't say anything. He was in pain. So much pain, he felt paralyzed.

Sarah grabbed a pocket knife from her pocket. "Maybe this can teach you a lesson, you cheater!" She bent down to George.

The brunet saw the knife, shaking his head in fear as he tried backing away into the stall. "No! Stop! Stop!" He screamed, choking on a sob.

Sarah grabbed his arm, George tried pulling away, but he was weak. He was too weak, and he was afraid of what she was going to do.

Sarah brought the blade to his arm, placing pressure as she brought it down his arm. Making a big wound. Blood was slowly gushing from the brunets arm.

George had a loud scream, sobbing. "Stop! Stop!" He choked on his words, clenching his weak fist from the pain.

"You're being really annoying right now, George!" She scratched him on the neck, causing him to whimper slightly from the pain.

She kept on cutting more wounds on his body. Every scream made her smile, a sadistic smile. "Maybe this will teach you not to be with anyone else except me!" She yelled at him, and his ears started ringing.

Squeezing his eyes shut tightly as she punched him once again in the face. He sobbed from the pain, whispering 'stop, please..' Over and over again, wanting this to stop.  

George was scared. He didn't know what she was going to do to him or how long this was going to go for. He wanted to stand for himself, but he couldn't. He physically could not do anything. He felt weak for it. He wanted to be safe in Dreams arms, hear his sweet words that he would call him, his touch, his voice.

The brunet just wanted to be with Dream. The love of his life. Not his crazy ex that was almost going to kill him.

He didn't want this to be his last date, his last time to ever see Dream. His last time, he would ever see Sapnap.

Loud screams of agony and sobs were still coming from the brunet as Sarah cut more on his body. He was shaking, stuck, paralyzed.

'This is over for me..' He thought, getting hopeless.

He just wanted to be safe with Dream.

He was wishing for Dream to notice and come save him.


Heyyyy guys...😋 so erm how'd you like this..?🥰


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