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3rd person:

The two lovers could finally see each other after a couple of hours of George having to calm down from the trauma he experienced and answer some medical questions.

Dream waited, and he waited for George. He waited for his lover to feel better. Of course, he was getting a little inpatient, but he waited. Sometimes, in the lunch room, he would be talking to some patient's that were there. Read the magazines that were there, but he didn't want to go on his phone. Oh, he was scared to click on Twitter right now.

Sapnap had to go back to get Dreams car, and also pick up Karl from the airport. He wanted to stay to see if George was ok, but he wouldn't just leave Karl in the airport.

The doctor came out of Georges room, where he was checking if it was ok for people to see him. And George was ok with it. All because he wanted to see his lover.

Dream looked up from the magazine he was reading when he heard footsteps approaching him.

His eyes were still red, and his cheeks were puffy, still full of dried tears. He was crying a little before, but it was reasonable. His lover almost died in front of his eyes.

"Clay Block?" Dream placed the magazine down, looking up. They said before that if his name was called, he could see George.

"Yes?" Dreams' voice was raspy from crying a lot.

"If you want to bring Davidson food before you enter, you can." The doctor had a warm smile.

Dream stood up so quickly with excitement. He almost tripped on his own feet. He speed walked to the lunch room, grabbing apple juice with a tray of apple slices, a sandwich that had a side of green beans.

The sleepy dirty blond walked to Georges recovery room. The doctor was waiting in front of the door as the doctor knocked lightly on Georges door before opening it.

Georges head perked up a bit to see who it was as Dream walked in.

The dirty blond quickly skimmed over on what injuries that were now gonna start healing. Stitches on his arms and body, a plaster wrapped around his injured head.

But Dream didn't care about that. He was just happy that he's finally getting to see his lover. "Hi, my love." Dream had the biggest grin on his face. They were both about to cry. "I brought you food."

George was looking at Dream, eyes watering with happiness and joy.

The brunet noticed he cried before, which broke his heart. Only that made him sad, but everything else was making him smile.

"Just hug me already." It was obvious George missed his touch.

Dream chuckles lightly, sniffling. He placed the food down on the counter, hugging the weak brunet. He tried avoiding the stitches but kept his face on his shoulder. Georges weak arms wrap around Dream, burying his face into his shoulder.

"I missed you. So much." George whispers, his voice cracking. Trying to contain his content cries.

"I missed you more. You gave me two heart attacks." Dream was half joking about the heart attacks.

"Im sorry." George has been wanting to say for a while.

This made Dream frown, looking at George. "Sweetheart, what are you sorry for? You didn't cause any problems. This was all a big surprise. We both didn't know this was going to happen. Don't be sorry for something you don't need to be sorry for, okay?"

Dream made George look at him, brushing his hair out of his face. "Okay." George whispers.

The dirty blond smiles, kissing him on the forehead. "And don't worry about your ex. She's gone for good." The dirty blond reassures George.

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