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George POV:

I got overly excited for one reason.

I went here with my mum so many times when I was younger. Since we didn't have that much money, she always took me here.

. . . (Flashy back to 7 years old)

I walked to the kitchen after mum called me, I saw something on the counter that I couldn't see what it was. Not even on my tippy toes, I couldn't see, but I jumped on the tall chair, sitting down.

"Mum, what is in that bag?" I ask, pointing to the bag.

"Well, sweetie, I know we haven't been to the place in a while. But... We are going today."

It popped into my head, I knew where we were going.

"The outside movie?"I call it, asking. I start to get excited.

"Yes hun." My mum smiled sweetly.

I squeal, grinning. I jumped out of the chair, hugging her. "Thank you, mum!!"

"You're welcome, sweetie. Now get ready."

I nod so much that my neck could've broke. Running to my room.

. . .

I was thinking of the memories with my mum when we were at these drive-in movies a lot. As I'm looking at the screen as I shiver.

I saw Dream look at me, "You cold, love?"

I shook my head, my usual thinking was to lie, so he wouldn't worry. "No, I'm just fine!-"

"Don't lie to me, love. Tell me." He ran his hand across my leg, reading me clearly. "Here." He pulled the thing that was in between us, grabbing something from the back.

I was looking at what he was doing.

He grabbed a blanket and put a pillow behind his back, leaning back on the car door. "C'mere." He opened his arms.

I smile, scooting closer to him. Leaning my back on his chest, feeling his arms wrap around me.

Dream threw the blanket over us, I clasped my hands with his. Getting comfy, "You warm now, my love?"

I look back at him, nodding. Kissing him on the cheek, "Thank you." I smile.

I leaned my head on his chest, looking at the movie. The warmth I was feeling, in my stomach and Dreams' warmth.

I cuddle close to him, feeling a sense of safety. "How do you like the movie?" He asks.

We were at the part when Rapunzel and Flynn were escaping from the guards.

"It's good. It's just how can Rapunzel run without tripping on her hair..?"

"I mean, she could've had practice." Dream shrugs.

"But she's been in the tower her whole life! It's confusing." I argue.

"Well, it's Disney. And everything is fiction."

"But it's common sense that she would need like some sort of practice." I still kept my eyes on the movie

(If ya wanna start the video at 0:44 seconds, you can:])

"It's fictionnn!" He repeated.

"Yeah, but still!"

"Oh, come on now. It's fiction." He paused, "How can I make you think that?"

"Kiss me." I felt bold.

Dream rolls his eyes playfully, picking me up like a feather, placing me on his lap. Straddling him.

3rd person: (yk what time it is people😱 or you can start the vid here at 1:00)

Dream looked up at him since George had a little height when he was on Dreams lap. They both ignored the movie, looking at each other.

The dirty blond kept on waiting. He was waiting patiently for George to ask, even if he had said it before.

George was getting inpatient, "Just kiss me already, please." He begged.

The blond had a playful smirk on his face, pulling the brunet by the collar, pressing his lips onto the other with passion.

The brunet kissed back, both closing their eyes. Dreams' hands traveled to Georges hips, gripping them strongly. Like he didn't want to let go.

Both had warmth and a good feeling in their stomach.

George wrapped his arms loosely around Dreams neck, both smiling against each others lips. The brunet tilts his head, kissing him deeply.

Dream slid his tongue across Georges bottom lip as the other opened his mouth slightly, letting the dirty blonds' tongue explore inside the brunets mouth. A soft noise came from George, butterflies in his stomach.

The dirty blond was kissing him tenderly and with deep affection. He always loved kissing George. His taste was addicting to Dream. It was like a drug.

Everything and everyone around them were a blur. They only focused on each other, how they were holding onto each other. Only caring about each other.

George pulled away from the kiss to breathe. He leaned his head on Dream shoulder, panting and flustered.

Dream was quietly breathing, but a part of Tangled came on as he started swaying George. His favorite part.

"All those days, chasing down a daydream, all those years, living in a blur." He sang in a whisper, smiling. a smile curved on Georges lips, he loved the way the dirty blond sang.

"All that time, never truly, seeing
Things the way they were." He sang, making the brunet giggle.

"Now you're here, shining in the starlight." Dream replaced a word, running a hand through Georges hair.

"You're such an idiot." The brunet giggles, placing a hand on his chest, looking at the dirty blond.

Dream kept on singing with a grin on his face, "Now you're here, suddenly I know. If youre here, it's crystal clear." George thought he sang Eugene's part beautifully.

"I'm where I'm meant to go." He pressed his lips against the brunets, kissing him for a couple of seconds. Both giggling.

They pulled away, and they both were smiling so much. Dream leans his head on Georges shoulder, burying his face into the crook of his neck. His lips pressed against Georges skin, placing light kisses. It tickled for George, so he giggled softly.

"Idiot, that tickles!" He giggled.

"Cute." Dream mumbles, kissing him on the neck more.

The brunet kept on giggling, watching the movie, while Dream kept on humming to the song, placing gentle kisses on the brunets neck.

They are where they're meant to be.



Sorry if the chapter didnt sound very in order😞hope you liked it!! Thank you for all the votes and comments!!

Eat, drink water, take a breather, and remember... you're too cool for school 😎 (I'm bringing it back‼️)


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