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Dream POV:

We ate dinner, and I gave Sapnap his twenty dollars. Now we are all just sitting on the couch, George cuddled on my side, his earbuds in, I think, listening to music? while I'm playing with his hair. Getting a text.

Sappy nappy

Dude, have you took George on a date?
Seen at:6:39pm

Looking at Sapnap, seeing him look back at me as I shake my head, mouthing a 'no.' He gives me a shocked look, seeing him look back at his phone, I also look back at my phone seeing to three dots appearing. I think I should take him on a date, I'm his boyfriend. I should. Seeing a text from him.

Sappy nappy

Dream, are you serious!? You never took him on a date!?
Seen at:6:40

No, but I think I should? But he doesn't like crowded places.. so I don't know where to take him..
Seen at: 6:41

Hmmm.. maybe like idk..
Seen at:6:41

I see three dots come up again, and then a text

Oooo, maybe take him to the beach or a picnic.
Seen at:6:44

Movie theater?
Seen at:6:44

That'd boring as hell Dream. unless you wanna take him to a drive-in movie?
Seen at:6:46

I think George will like that, drive in movie. Maybe a scary movie... I smile, looking down at George, who's just staring off into the distance. But I respond to Sapnap

Yeah he'll like that thanks Nick :)
Seen at:6:48

Np that's a bad bf move, sooo I'm watching. Don't be a dumbass
Seen at:6:50

I chuckle at the text, smiling, typing.

I promise I won't
Seen at:6:52

You better be promising.
Seen at:6:52

George POV:

Just thinking while listening to Laufey, what? She's a good artist (real George)
Listening to Bewitched. Dream did Bewitched me with his love. He really did, but im so happy I did. He's the best and only boyfriend. I love him.

I yawn, snuggling up on Dreams side. Even if it's seven, I'm still tired. I took out my earbuds and paused the song, putting my phone next to me.  'What would Dream do if I just left my phone here..? Maybe I won't go to sleep and see what he does...' I think,

"You tired, love?" I hear Dream say, as I close my eyes, nodding. "Just gonna take a nap.." I yawn again, closing my eyes, "love you, Dreamy.."I mumble before I start fake sleeping.

Dream POV:

I watch George fall asleep, then hearing a ding on his phone, me and, Sapnap look at each other. "Should I..?" I whisper, looking at Georges phone that was next to him. "I mean,  I wouldn't be nosy, but sure." Sapnap sighs, smacking my lips, thinking.

I take the phone, looking to see who it was.

It was the bitch Sarah.


Helloooooo, pretend I didn't just add another conflict, my kittens...😖 sorry for the short chapter

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