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George POV:

After a little while, I went to take a shower. Grabbing my clothes and a towel, as I went out of my room- wait? I should move my stuff to Dreams' room since I'm basically sleeping in his room. I grab a post-it note from somewhere, a pen, since my phone was still downstairs, and Dream was in the garage. I write, 'Can I move my stuff to your room?-Love your boyfriend:]'

Sticking it onto his door as I go to the bathroom, taking a shower.

Dream POV:

I was putting stuff away in the garage, taking a break from how hot it was and how sweaty I am. Going inside, I grab water from the fridge, hearing the shower run. I go upstairs, seeing a post-it note on my door, I read it, smiling with a chuckle.

Going into my room, I put the note on the desk, wiping my sweaty hands and face with a towel.  I walk to Georges room, going to his closet, taking a pile of clothes to my room on my bed, and repeating.


George POV:

A long relaxing shower had to come to an end, turning the water off and drying myself off. I put my clothes on, which was an oversized shirt and basketball shorts. (My favorite fit fr)

Looking in the mirror, running my hands through my damp hair. I felt comfortable and safe. Not in the bathroom, but just in this house. Dream and Sapnap both make me feel safe, never treated me badly, knowing my past. I smile, walking out of the bathroom.

Dream POV:

After putting all of Georges clothes away in my closet, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout, leaning on the wall and looking at my phone. The door opens, looking up to see who it is. I smiled when I saw, "Hi love." I put my phone in my pocket, walking to George. "Hi Dream." He smiles back at me, I place my hands on his hips. "What do you need?" I see him go on his tippy toes, pecking me on the lips. "Your love and attention."

His arms drap around my neck, and I place a kiss on his forehead. Bringing his body close to mine, swaying him around while humming a tune. "I love you so muchhhh." I sing, George started laughing, seeing his face turn into a shade of pink, laying his head on my shoulder. His laughs warm my heart, and a warm smile forms on my face. Still swaying George around the room in comfortable slients.

I start to think, 'Can this be the time I could ask? Or is it too early?' My lips thin, "What's on your mind, Dreamie?" George looks at me. A small smile forms on my face. "That's a new nickname." I see him blush again, laying his head on my shoulder. "Shut up, you idiot." I rub my hands on his hips, swaying him more, humming.

Courage finally came as I ran my right hand to his cheek, lifting his face to look at me. "I've been wanting to ask you." My eyes kept in contact with his, quickly noticing he got anxious, with how him fidgeting with his hands that were wrapped around my neck.

"Am I a bad boyfriend?.." He whispers.

I saw his eyes tear up, shaking my head, kissing him on the forehead. "My love, when did I and will I ever say that? Never think that. You're the best and only boyfriend that is amazing." I start rubbing his cheek with my finger. He nods. "I just wanted to ask.." I pause, taking a deep breath in.

"Will you go on a date with me on friday?" I ask, "I-are you serious?" He questioned, I nod my head with a smile. George gasped, hugging me. "Yes! Yes idiot!" I hug back tightly, a smile forms on my lips. I look at him, still swaying around.

I lift his chin up, pressing my lips against his soft lips, kissing him with a smile.

3rd person: (Bro, I can not make a kissing scene without it being in third person😔 its so hard in first person)

Dream placed his hands on Georges hips again, kissing him with a small bit of passion. George kissed back, playing with the dirty blondes hair, both eyes shut. Dream started fiddling with the hem of Georges shirt, mumbling a 'I love you' in between kisses, making the brunet giggle. The dirty blonde tilted his head, making the kiss deeper. Walking back to the wall, gently pushing him against the wall. A fuzzy feeling and butterflies were felt in Georges stomach, Dream felt a warm feeling. Both felt content, and the brunet loved the tenderness the dirty blonde was showing.

George jumped a little, Dream picking him up as he cupped his ass, making the brunet gasp. (Idk why that made me cringe a bit..💀) The brunet wrapped his legs around the dirty blondes waist, the kiss turning heated with heavy hot breathing, lips moving fast and rough, both kissing with passion. They were in their own moment. It felt to them that fireworks were around them. They were happy.

Both men pulled away to take a breather, flustered. George started giggling, the same with Dream. They didn't know why, but they just did. They pressed their lips back together with small giggles, now kissing with tenderness and passion.

They had nothing to worry about in this moment.


Hi readers!!! I'm backkkk, I hope you can see the improvement in my writing? Idk I kinda see it, but kinda don't. 🤷 but I hope you like this small fluff chapter:) I think I have three or four chapters to goo? I think, but hope you're excited!!!

Take care of yourself, drink water and eat food🫶🏼 love you guys so much🫂💚


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