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So.. I'm going to be switching POVs from time to time, so just remind you of that.

Small Sapnap POV:

Oh, I hope this goes well, Sapnap thinks he put his phone in his pocket, leaning on the counter, then hearing the beep from the microwave. Taking the pizza rolls out and putting them on the table, leaning back on the counter.

Small George POV going back in time a bit:

George hears the door close after what Sapnap said. Should I..? I feel like I should at least have dinner... I haven't hung out with Sapnap for 2 days. It doesn't seem that much. But it does to me.

✨️Time past 10 minutes✨️

George looks out of the window, thinking if he should. "Fine, I will." He thinks out loud. He stays in what he wore, leaving his room, hearing faint talking from downstairs. George also sees Dream.

He gives him a long stare. Missing when he flirted with him, his hugs, his warm smiles, his laughs, and George almost cried from how Dream was ignoring him, but he knew it was his fault, and he still blamed himself. Dream didn't give him a smile, but George stopped staring, going downstairs.

Short Dream POV same with Georges pov:

Dream sighed. He was holding back his tears when Sapnap came in. He broke right back down once the door closed. I ignored Sapnap. I should at least go, I ignored him for no stupid reason when I should've talked to him. I'm so stupid.

️10 minutes later, Dream is still being depressed✨️

He sat up, wiping the tears off his cheek. "I'll go." Dreams voice cracks, from crying. He sat up, oh! I didn't even tell you what Dream was wearing. It's basic. A black tank and sweatpants, but he went out the door. What? He could wear a tank around, it's his house.

Dream saw George. He was also staring at him but had the same thoughts George had. He missed Georges giggles, his hugs, his clinginess, and his smiles. But stops looking at him when George did.

Dream went downstairs after George went fully downstairs, so it wasn't awkward.

3rd person: (I swear I'm so bad at third person, but I'll try again.)

Sapnap heard Georges footsteps go down the stairs as he had a smile plastered on his face, George looked down, sitting down in the kitchen chair, not saying a word.
Dream then comes down, sitting down, but sits far away from George.

Sapnap smiles, "So, I want to talk. Eat some pizza rolls while you're at it." A slight smile comes on both of their faces, knowing Sapnap couldn't cook anything. "And I want to make one rule. Because I know either one of you would do it if I talked about this." Sapnap looks at both of them, them not making eye contact with Sapnap.

"No fucking leaving the dinner table,  while we talk about this. It's only gonna cause more problems." Sapnap says in a stern voice, Dream nodding slightly, not getting a response from George. "George. I need an answer." He looks at George, he gives a quick 'mhm' before being quiet.

(Sapnap in his mothering era)

"Okay, now my question I've been needing an answer for." Sapnap sighs wanting an answer. Dream doesn't talk, but George decides to speak up.

"It was my fault."

Dream and Sapnap looked at George, "No, George. It was me. I would've not..." he cleared his throat, not wanting to say the last thing as it would make him cry. Sapnap was starting to get annoyed from them, not telling him, "What the hell did you two do!?" He shouts,

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