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George POV:

Yesterday was shit. Dream found my cigarettes and he fucking found my pills, I made him worried about me which is fucking worse.

Maybe I can go back to sleep. Why am I cuddling with my best friend? I do not know, but you know when you are with a special person and you feel so much safer and loved then before? Yeah I'm feel very safe that I'm now with Dream, is that weird?

When you feel more safer with your best friend them your girlfriend? I don't really know.

"Hey George, are you asleep?"

I snap out of my thoughts and, oh yeah. I'm cuddled up with my friend at a very late time. "Yeah, I'm up." I say,

"Can I ask you how you felt when i found your.. ya'know your pills."

I sigh and take a deep breath. "Weak, angry, sad, and I felt shit since now my best friend knows I overdose on anti depression pills. Now you fucking know that I smoke." Tears come out of my eyes, why am I fucking crying.

I sob, "I'm fucking sorry Dream, -hic- its yours and my first day ever -hic- seeing each other and im fucking crying, -hic- we should be doing something." I look up at him.

"Shh, calm down okay. Then whenever you're ready lets watch a movie since you look like you dont really wanna go out." Dream chuckles, I roll my eyes. "Oh shut up, lets watch a movie." I say while getting up, I go to the bathroom and I look like shit. Red eyes from crying, tear stains on my pale cheeks, stuffy nose, and messy hair from Dream combing my hair. But Dream combing my hair out while I was crying, was calming.

I look down at the sink while I felt hands wrap around my waist, I blushed knowing they were Dreams. "are you okay George?" Dream ask in a soothing tone, I nod and look in the mirror.

I just noticed how tall Dream was to me. "Holy fuck Dream you're so much taller than me." I say with a loud and surprise voice. His shoulders jumped when I shouted, "yeah I'm 6 foot 3 and you're 5 foot 7" He chuckles, I roll my eyes. "Im average hight, okay."

"Alright, well wash your face you look really bad." He walks away and I start washing my face. I look very better now, I grab a brush and brush my hair. As I'm brushing my hair I just realized that my hair is really long. It's down below my shoulders.

I brush it and go downstairs where Dream is. "Where are the blankets?" I ask, "oh their in the closet, in your room." Dream replies with a smile,I smile back and run upstairs to my room,

my smile drops when I remember what happen.

Dream finding my things, my smokes on the floor from when I fell down and dropped them. My muscles tense as I remembered what happened.I take a deep breath in, to calm myself down and grab the blankets, I go downstairs and Dream is already settled on the couch.

"Here, i got blankets" I say as I throw the blankets at him, "hey! Why'd you do that?!" Dream said, "I dunno,just felt like it." I say, he does his tea kettle laugh, I chuckle from how funny his laugh is.

When Dream got done laughing I sit down next to him and take a blanket. "What do you wanna watch?" Dream said, "maybe *insert movie of your choice here* that could be good."

(I dont know what movie to do cause I cant think at 2am rn so pick.)

"Thats a good movie!" Dream said, I grab a handful of popcorn and shove it in my mouth. "mhm" I smile.

We put *insert movie of your choice* its going good, I think Dream watched it because he was just talking to me about it half of the time that we are watching it.


After the movie, the popcorn bowl was half empty and Dream fell asleep on my shoulder. I check my phone to see what time it is and wow. Only 9 pm, I hear Dream wake up from how bright my phone is. He groans,

"George, im going to make food. Are you hungry?" Dream said in his deep raspy voice, damn his deep morning voice is hot- What the hell am I thinking!??

"Georgieee, helloooo." I snap out of my thoughts, "oh- yeah, sure." I say, "okay, well what do you want?" Dream looks at me with a tired look,

Dream actually looks super tired, I feel bad for him. Maybe I shouldn't eat, it would be too much for him. "Actually I'm not hungry, I'll just eat an apple its fine." I say,

Dream had a skeptical look on his face.
"Okay... But just tell me when you're hungry... I want you to eat actual food." "yeah, I know Dream." I playfully roll my eyes.

We both get up and I just grab an apple to eat while Dream was making a TV dinner. Dream was waiting for his food and was just standing their, I check to see if he zoned out or is just waiting for his food.

He looked tired and was zoned out. I shoke him and his sholders jumped. "Dream, you look tired. I think you should go to sleep." I say with a worried smile, "okay." He mumbled and yawned, I chuckle,

"yeah. Get some sleep" I grab the TV dinner and put it in the freezer, I see Dream slowly walking towards the stairs, I follow behind and we get to the door of our rooms.

"Good night George." Dream said with a smile, "Good night Dream." I smile back. I go into my room and drop onto the air mattress, I take a deep sigh. 'I cant like Dream. Hes my best friend. MY FRIEND. nothing more.' 'George you have a GIRLFRIEND, remember that.' I scream into my pillow.

I don't even know anymore. I'll just go to sleep, and my thoughts will go away.

I pull the covers over me and I close my eyes and sleep.

Okay if there's chapters that I think that are too long, I'm going to spilt them into two or three chapters, hope you guys are cool with that. :)

Remember you're too cool for school and that you are loved🩷

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