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Mention of abuse
George POV:

We get home and me and Dream get the groceries, going inside, seeing Sapnap in the kitchen. "Oh. My. God. I was starving..." Sapnap said putting his phone down, I guess he was taking to Karl...? "Say hi to Karl!" Sapnap said, I wave at Karl since they were on FaceTime.

We put all the stuff on the counter and I grab my gummies and sour patches, I open the bag of gummies and start eating them, while sitting on the island in the kitchen.

"You got gummy bears! And none for me!?" Sapnap said letting a loud dramatic gasp, I playfully roll my eyes. "Yeah, Dream got them for me." I say showing him the gummy bears, rubbing it in his face, that I got gummy bears.

"Dream! Why didnt you give me any!!" Sapnap whined, Dream was starting to make the pasta and the sauce. "George. Share with Sapnap." Dream gave me a glare going back to his cooking, 'oh no, did I do something wrong!?!' I think but see Sapnap put his hand in the bag of gummies, "Haha, you have to share with me!" Sapnap said, I scoffed but kept on eating the gummies.

"Sap, my family is coming to visit today." Dream said straining the noodles. I go upstairs in my room, with my candies and I see Sapnap come in.

"Sapnap. I think I'm in love with Dream

3rd person:(idk just thought this would be better. But I havent done it in a while)

Sapnap standed there when George just burted that out of no where, "Really!?!? I thought I never knew." Sapnap said putting his hands on his cheeks making it look like he was shocked, obviously he was being sarcastic but Sapnap knew George would say this.

George rolled his eyes from the action Sapnap had done. "Yes, I don't know. He's just-just." George couldn't finish his sentence from how confused he was, he didn't know if Dream was showing him signs, or it's just Dream was really touchy. "You think hes showing you signs?" Sapnap questions, thinking that this was what George was gonna say before he cut himself off, George nodded slowly, "You're a mind reader."

Sapnap chuckled, he knew they both love each other. But he wants them to find out on their own, by talking with each other. "What should I do? I dont even know if he likes me back, if he doesnt like me back, Dreams gonna think im weird and we are not going to be friends-" George panicked but got interrupted by Sapnap put his hand on Georges shoulder, "George. Even if you confess to him and he doesnt like you back, Dream is going to stay friends with you. A crush is not going to make your friendship break apart."

George deeply breathed in, "Okay... I'm trusting you on this..." George also remembered he was supposed to tell Sapnap this...

"So, I want to talk to you. About a serious topic. And I'm trusting you Nick, to not tell anyone. I already told Dream but we fixed the problem." George said empathizing the word 'trusting,' Sapnap nodded with a serious look on his face, "So, my ex girlfriend Sarah. How we broke up was..." A tear went down his face, remembering what happened that exact day. "So I was looking on my phone and she was kissing another guy... Obviously it made me heart broken, but..." George started fidgeting with his hands, Sapnap nodded with what he was saying.

"I've kept my mouth shut about this for a while now, for two years. Sarah abused me." George said tears running down his face, he actually never told Dream about the years, this is the only person he ever told and it was Sapnap.  Sapnap was shocked as he thought their relationship was good, since when George streams and she comes in, Sarah is so nice to George.

Sapnap believes George on this, George would never lie when hes serious. "Im sorry George. Why didnt you tell me sooner?" Sapnap said hugging George, George hugs him back. "It's just- I thought you or neither Dream would believe me." George saying, his voice cracks when he said that, when he started to cry. "George don't cry. She abused you, you shouldnt cry for her." Sapnap said wiping the tear off of Georges face with the wrist of his hoodie. "Go wash your face and change, Dreams family is coming." Sapnap gave a slight smile to him.

George nodded standing up going to the bathroom, while Sapnap sighed going out of Georges room, downstairs to help Dream clean up. George splashed his face with cold water, washing off some of the dried tears on his cheeks. Going back to his room and changing into Dreams hoodie, from how fucking cold it was in the house and maybe... A skirt? 'I can wear it and tuck the hoodie in?' 'Will they accept me if I wear a skirt?' His mind circles but he takes a breath in and thought

'Fuck it'

He puts on the black skirt and tucked the hoodie in, he takes a deep breath and walks downstairs.

Dream and Sapnap were talking in the kitchen, just about something random, when Dream heard footsteps. He looked to the stairs ignoring what Sapnaps saying and saw George, In a skirt. He blushed seeing George in a skirt and smiled at him, George was very scared how they would both react, but their reaction was a good one, a one George will never forget about, even if it was small. "The skirt looks fucking awesome on you!" Sapnap smiles, "Yeah, I love it, the skirt fits you." Dream said, still blushing a lot. George was very shocked, "Oh- thank you." He smiles, George was very happy that they didn't look him weird or tell him differently. Thats what George loved about them."My family is coming in like..." Dream checks his phone.

"In like a couple of minutes, so I would start helping to touch everything up." Dream smiled, they start to just put things in place. Dream. Dream was just looking at George, while doing this and Sapnap nudged him in the shoulder, making Dream look at him. "You should take a picture of him, it will last longer." Sapnap smirked, Dream blushed but hit him in the shoulder. "Shut up." He whispers to him, they keep on getting things in place and that's when they heard a knock on the door. George stopped and Dream opened the door.

"Hiya Clay!"


YIPPEE!! JUST YOU WAIT FOR NEXT CHAPTER, I am not just doing where they just fall in love easily. That was the problem I had with my first story, love has its ups and downs so I want to actually have a problem in the story not just it being boring and them falling inlove with no problems before. So I am going to do something for next chapter which goes into a problem... I don't know why I'm telling you that when you could just go to the next chapter.... But still! It's not really that big of a problem but I just don't want this story to be boring.

Love you guys lots! Remember that you are too cool for school 😎


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