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George POV:

I woke up in a bright white room, ringing in my ears, wincing a bit from the ringing. My eyes squinted from the bright lights. Memories flooding my mind.

Doctors were around me. They had a board. Writing something down. "George Davidson. Can you hear me?" A doctor asked, coming closer to me through my blurry vision.

I nodded, but my voice wasn't able to come out of my throat when I tried talking. I saw he was writing something down.

"Do you have any family here, Davidson?" I shook my head.

"Do you just have your spouse here, which is Clay Block?" I nod, but try whispering something.

Clay. A slight frown formed on my face from making him worry before. I missed him.

The doctor noticed, "Do you have any friends here?" I nod.

"Can you try talking, Davidson?" I shrug.

I try whispering, "My voice hurts." I managed, coughing. My voice was slurred from the drug they gave me that was still wearing off. 

"You need to lay here for a bit. Let the anastasia drug wear off." I nod once again, looking at the ceiling as I hear all the doctors leave with a close of a door.

I was left with my thoughts. 

Clay, it's weird to say his real name. Wait, let me re-say that again.

Dream, my favorite person in the world. Sorry, Sapnap. I miss his touch, his rubs that he would give me, when he would whine or frown whenever I would have to leave our cuddling sessions when I would use the bathroom or do something, his loving sweet words that he would randomly say, making my heart melt so much. His kisses, his random 'I love you's' in between our sweet makeouts,  how his hands would grip onto me, feeling like he would never let go. How he would comfort me when I would cry, and never ever make fun of me for crying. Never. 

I would say more, but all of it was a lot. I loved everything Dream would ever do for me. I always. Always, thought of ways to pay my lover back from the things he's done for me.

I miss him a lot. I was worried on how Sapnap would react, I didn't want him to worry for me.

The only thing that I hated. Was seeing Dream react when I almost died. It broke my heart. Before my eyes closed, I saw his eyes tearing up how he was begging me to stay awake. I wonder and worry about how he and Sapnap are doing now. 

I take a deep breath in, feeling sleepy. The drug was probably wearing off. My eyes get heavier by the second. I just wanted to hug Dream and tell him I'm  ok. If he told Sapnap, I wanted to tell both of them that I'm ok.

I didn't want some doctor telling them. I wanted to hug both of them and tell them myself.

I just wanted them to know I was ok.


Sorryyyy just wanted to show what George POV looks likeee and how he feelss😞
And also question can you edit your story, and like description? With the same meaning tho

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