Grilled Cheese

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Ally's pov:

It takes a while to find Claire and Zoe in the crowd of students swarming the living room. After what felt like hours of searching, I find them against the wall at the far end of the room, talking amongst themselves.

When they see me approaching, their faces break out into smug-looking grins, "We were wondering where you and Axel disappeared off to, but by the looks of it, nothing past pg rated yet." Claire teases, bumping my shoulder with hers as I join them.

Axel went to find Bryce and Dylan to make sure they were doing alright. After talking outside for about an hour, we decided to head back to his place to hang out for a bit before his roommates got back.

Which leads me to my current predicament, telling Zoe and Claire that I won't be heading back with them tonight. Axel said that he was sure that Dylan or Bryce wouldn't mind walking my friends back to the dorms, which made agreeing to go back with him now a lot easier.

But it is sweet to see him worried about Claire and Zoe making it back alright without him.

I playfully roll my eyes at Claire, who seemed more determined than anyone else to get Axel and I passed our innocent little talking stage.

I don't blame her though; I'm beginning to feel the same way.

"We just went outside to catch some air since it was getting pretty loud in here," I say, pointing my thumb behind me toward the backyard.

"It is getting pretty crazy in here, how long are we planning on staying?" Zoe asks, which gives me the perfect opening to tell them.

"Funny you mention that..." I start off, and those words alone cause them to look at me with wide eyes, as if they are already predicting what I am about to say.

"Go on." Claire urges, already starting to get excited as if I was about to tell her that Axel and I were about to get married or something.

She has probably already planned the whole thing in her head anyways. I wouldn't be surprised.

"Axel asked me if I wanted to spend the night at his place-..."

"YES!!!!" They both scream, interrupting me from being able to explain any further.

Their shout causes a few curious eyes to look at us, but they don't seem to care as they begin bouncing around in excitement.

Unsurprisingly enough, I had already seen this type of reaction in my head when I thought about having to tell them. But the stares from the students around us cause my face to heat up as I try to calm them down.

"Obviously you said yes, right?" Zoe asks, shooting me a look that said if I didn't agree, she would no doubt find a way to make it happen.

What amazing friends I have.

"Of course, but don't worry, he is making sure that one of the boys will walk you both back to the dorms."

They brush off my last comment, not seeming to care what happens to them. Which only leads me to believe that Claire and Zoe wouldn't even care walking back by themselves, as long as this thing between Axel and I progresses.

But I care a lot more about their safety than leaving early with Axel.

"Make sure to tell us everything that happens, you better not leave anything out," Claire says, pointing an accusing finger at me as if I don't tell her everything already.

"I won't."


After thanking Dylan for volunteering to take my friends back, Axel and I find ourselves shortly leaving the party after that.

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