chapter -1

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(In the racing circuit.....)

Guy: Hey Pai, Payu you are here!!
Pai: Hey!! Why are there a lot of people today?
Payu: Deaf is coming today...
Pai: You mean P'Pakin's mysterious boy?
Payu: Hey people might misunderstand your words... He is his say as if he is his boyfriend or something....
Pai: Forget it... That means P'Pakin will come too right?
Payu: Yeh...
Guy: I wonder who that guy is that makes the great P'Pakin come here himself...
Pakin: He is a great guy....

(3 of them look and see P'Pakin and P'Chan coming towards them.. They greet them....)

Payu: He is a great racer... Can we meet him?
Pakin: I'm afraid you can't.... He doesn't like talking with others... He just comes here for race and leaves after that...
Pai: But who is he? He always covers his face... Is he handsome? Does he have a boyfriend?
Chan: You better don't approach him for that... He doesn't want others to know who he is...

(Pakin checks his phone.... And looks behind Payu and Pai...)

Pakin: Here he comes....

(A guy approaches them... Wearing black jeans and hoodies and his face is covered with a mask and cap... He raises his hand and waves at Pakin and Chan)

Pakin: This is Payu and Pai... The ones I told you about.... Pai is the top racer here and Payu is the best mechanic and top racer...
Deaf:(looks at them a nod and waves his hand...)
Pai: Are you mute?
Payu: Pai!!
Deaf:(looks at Chan)
Chan: He can talk but he doesn't like to talk.

(Deaf looks at his watch and checks the time and Shows it to Pakin)

Pakin: Do you have to go somewhere after this?
Deaf: (nods)
Chan: The race will begin soon...
Guy: Do you wanna race with Pai?
Chan: Pai are you sure about this?
Pai: 100%
Pakin: what do you say?
Deaf:(looks at Pai and then nods)
Chan: Okay then I'll arrange for it...
Pakin: Deaf Pai is the no.1 racer here... You may loose....
Deaf: (tilts his head.... Like saying... We will see about that...)
Pakin: and Pai... Deaf has never lost a race before...
Pai: he is about too...
Deaf: 🥱

(After a while everything is ready for the race.... Pai gets on his red bike and Deaf on his black bike... All the crowd are cheering for them... And the countdown starts and they start racing...Both are going neck to neck no one has the intention to slow down but then the curve comes... Pai slows down a bit for the curve but Deaf he speeds up on the curve... He tilts his bike on the curve his knee touches the road on that high speed on that curve... Once the curve is finished Deaf accelerates to full speed.... Pai tries his best to catch up but Deaf finishes the winning line first... They both got off the bike and they went to P'Pakin...)

Payu: You okay Pai?
Pai: I'm...
Chan: Deaf asked me to say that you are a wonderful Racer...

(Deaf moves forward his hand for a shake hand and Pai gives his hand...)

Pai: You are a incredible racer... Do you have a boyfriend?
Deaf:(looks at Pakin and Chan)
Pai: I'm just curious...
Deaf: (shrugs his shoulders )
Chan:Here is your prize money...

(Deaf takes the money and stuffs it in his pocket...)

Pakin: Are you leaving?
Payu: Can we have a race next time?
Deaf: (looks at Pakin and then at Payu and nods....)
Pai: Then see you later byee....

(At the dorm.... Rain gets a call from his father in the middle of night...)

Mike: Come home...
Rain: Okay...

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