chapter -21

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(After a few days... At the hospital...)

Rain:(on call) What? Ohh... Okay.... 😮‍💨
Paris: What's happened?
Rain: Come with me.....

(In front of the room....)

Paris: What are we doing here?
Rain:😅To give a check up I guess....

(They opened the door and went inside and saw Vegas and Kim standing there beside them Sky and Tor are also there....)

Paris: Don't tell me...
Sun: Hi my love.....

(Paris saw Sun laying on the bed wearing a black tank top and a wound on her left hand with a worried expression...To be precise.... All the husbands in Theerapanyakun's family are scared of their wives... They would rather die than go home with an injury)

Paris: You are grounded...😡
Sun: Baby listen to me... Please...🥺
Paris:😡I don't want to hear a shit!! You are grounded you are not going to leave your room until I say so.... Understood?
Sun: But Dad and Uncle Kim need me... We have work to finish... Right Uncle?
Kim: Yeh...we...

(Kim was going to say something but saw Paris glaring at him....)

Kim: 😅 Paris is right you should rest... We can deal.with the work....
Sun: (whispers) You are betraying me....
Kim:(whispers) See the look she is giving me... It's the same look Chay gives me when I realise that I'm doomed...
Sun: Dad....but you need help right....
Vegas:(whispers) Don't drag me into this... She is just like Pete when she is upset... I don't want to deal with it...
Sun: Dad said he needs help....😏☺️
Paris: Really Dad? 😠
Vegas: No... I was telling her to take rest at home....
Sun:(whispers) Traitors!!!!!

(Just like that Sun was grounded.... Not allowed to leave the house and not allowed to sleep with her wife....)

(After a few days)

Sun: Do you think you can run away from me?

(Saying this Sun pins down Paris on the couch....)

Paris: What are you doing?
Sun: Punishing you.... You dare to turn me on and leave me like that.... You were being naughty and naughty kids needs to be punished...
Paris:(screams) Dad! Pa!! Uncle!!! Sun is bulling me....
Sun:(laughs) Scream all you want... Did you forget that it's just us in the Mansion? They have all gone out for shopping.... And as for the Bodyguards... If they care about their dear life they won't come here in the living room....
Paris: No!!! Someone help me!!
Sun: Scream baby.. You are just turning me on more with this...

(Saying this Sun starts Kissing Paris and then starts sucking on her neck but suddenly someone kicks he off from Paris.... Both Sun and Paris are surprised....)

Sun: Who the hell was that?
Paris: Hia?

(Sun looked at the newcomer hearing her wife's words.... They both were stunned seeing him.... He grabs Sun by the collar...)

Payu: What the hell were you doing to my sister?😡🔥🔥
Paris: Hia... Let go of her...
Payu: Let go ? After what she tried to do to you?🔥🔥
Sun: I've the right to do it...
Payu: You!!! What fucking right??
Sun: I've the right to touch my wife and I don't need your fucking permission for it....

(Payu was taken aback by the word "wife" He looked at his sister to confirm what she said and Paris nodded her head in agreement.... Payu let go of Sun.... )

Payu: Wife?
Paris: Yeh... This is Sun my husband...
Payu: Husband?

(Payu is really confused about what the hell is going on...)

Sun: What? Many things have changed in the past 7 years....

(Sun runs her hand through her hairs...)

Sun: Do you really have to come now? You ruined my sweet moment...
Paris: Sun!!!

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