Chapter -33

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Rain's POV

(After a few weeks)

I think I slept for too long.... Another day has passed... How long do I have? This Pain, it's killing me but what can I do rather than enduring it... I just kept staring at the ceiling... What If I died that day when I took the bullet for P'Payu? What If I never accepted his love? What if I didn't let him go that day? What if he never had that accident? What if he came back after his job was done? What if there was no Rose? What if he had told me about him and Rose 5 years back? What if he never lost his memory? Would any of these things have changed the future? But what is the use of thinking all these? What happened has happened and there is no turning back and there is no "what if" in this world.. I should start living for myself... Time is not waiting for anyone and I should enjoy every minute I have... I shouldn't waste my time thinking about my miserable past...  It's the past now I have my present and future ahead... I should try to live every moment of my life to the fullest so that I won't regret anything in the future.... After determining everything in my mind I got up from the bed and got freshen up and went downstairs... I got myself a drink from the kitchen... While having my drink I realised something weird, it was silent... really silent... It's noisy even during the normal days, and It's the weekend today and everyone should be at home and it's not supposed to be silent like this in the Theerapanyakun's Mansion... I looked around and saw no one... I then saw a guard coming....

Rain: Where is everyone?
Guard: They are in the hall....
Rain: Ohh okay... thank you...

Author's POV

Rain went into the hall and saw all the husbands there...

Rain: Morning....
Sun: You should be saying... Good afternoon....
Rain: What?

Rain looked at her confused....

Aky: It's 2 in the afternoon....
Rain: Really? I didn't realise....
Vegas: I'll get you something to eat...
Rain: Thanks Dad... you are the best!!!

Saying that Rain sat between Kim and Kinn... Rain leaned on Kim's shoulder and Kim patted his head gently....

Kim: Are you still sleepy?
Rain: A bit...
Sun: It's the first time I saw you sleeping for so long.... you even went to bed early yesterday...
Rain: I don't know.... I was really tired I guess.... By the way... where is everyone? Where are your wife's?

Rain asked them and they all looked at each other and sighed... Payu chuckled at them....

Vegas: It's the Wife's day out...They went shopping with Khun...

Saying that Vegas came with some sandwich on a plate and a glass of juice and Sat beside Rain and gave it to him.... Rain started munching on the food...

Arm: You know his rule... Only Wife's, No husbands allowed....
Kao: They just went out to have fun... Min: But seeing your expression it seems like someone kidnapped your Wife's...

Kao and Min mocked them... They all glared at them...

Payu: They came to ask you but you were in a deep sleep so they didn't ask you out...
Rain: It's good that they didn't call me... If I had gone with them I would get really tired....

After finishing his food, Rain joined them they all talked for a while...

Rain: I had a dream last night....
Kinn: What dream?

Everyone looked at Rain.... Rain smiled at them embarassed....

Rain: A...a......a....a...wet dream....

Rain mumbled in a low Voice....

Kay: You had a wet dream?

Kay said loudly making everyone look at Rain....

Min: What was it like? Like your were fucking or were you getting fucked?

Min looked at Rain excitedly and smirked making Rain glare at him....

Rain: Shut up!!
Aky: It's been so long since you had sex... You have been living like a monk all these years...
Rain: I know... you don't have to remind me...
Vegas: Did you play with yourself all these years?
Rain: Dad!!!

Rain's face turned red and he whines at Vegas... Everyone was teasing him... He started regretting telling them about his dream.... Payu didn't say anything he just looked at Rain and everyone... He was feeling guilty hearing their conversation...

Top: Stop teasing him you guys... let him say what he wants....
Kinn: So what is it that you want to say Rain?
Rain: Actually.... I was thinking about going to the club tonight and get someone for the night....
Pai: What do you mean someone for the night?

Pai smiled at Rain... Everyone knew what he was trying to say but they just wanted to tease Rain....

Rain: Like how you did in the past... Having one night stand....

Rain raised an eyebrow at Pai and talked in a challenging manner....

Rain: I haven't had sex for a long time so I was thinking about getting laid tonight....
Kinn: it's good to let some steam off
Vegas: I agree...
Kim: How about we all go to the club tonight?
Arm: I'm in... it's been long since we all went together....
Kay: Anyway they won't be coming home anytime soon.... They will be having a party like always.... So I'm in...

Others also agreed and they all decided to go to the club tonight.... Everyone was excited about going except Payu.... He was hurt.... He couldn't imagine seeing Rain with someone else...

Payu's POV

I felt guilty when Aky said that Rain has been living like a Monk all these years.. He was loyal to me... He was waiting for me... He never let anyone else touch him all these years... But what about me? I was not loyal to him... I ignored him even after knowing that he was waiting for me... But I...I can't bear to see someone else touching him... I can't even imagine him smiling at someone else... I felt hurt... I feel dead... Then... Then how would he have felt when he saw Rose with me? How would he have felt when I said I love you to her? How would he have felt when I touched her? How would have he felt when I kissed her? How would he have felt when I said I'm going to marry her? How would have he felt? I...I can't endure the Pain when I think of Rain with someone else... Then how much he had to go through because of me? I just gave him Pain...  It was not unintentional.... It was not an accident... I hurt him... I hurted him intentionally.... I'm a bastard who doesn't deserve him... but is still in love with him... I love you.... I love you my Rain.. I really love you.... No matter how long it takes I'll wait for you.. And If you found someone for yourself I won't bother you and wish you happiness but Can you just give me a chance? I can't think of a life without you... I would rathre die than see you being with someone else.... I won't be able to endure that scene... Where you are being yourself and giving all your love and body to someone who is not me.... I can't.... I would rather die than see you like that.... I don't want to lose you Rain... I don't.....

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