chapter -8

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(Rain reached his house.... He hurriedly got out of the car and went and opened the door his mother was shocked by the sudden noise.... The others also reached and followed Rain into the house..)

Mom: Rain?
Rain:Where is Sky?
Mom: In his room...

(Rain didn't wait for his mother to say anything else he rushed upstairs)

Pharm: Hi Aunty...
Mom: Pharm... These are?
Pharm: They are our friends from University....
Mom: Okay... I'll get some drinks for you.. you guys can go and meet them upstairs....
Dean: Thank you Aunty....

(They also went upstairs.... Rain was knocking on the door because it was locked... The others reached upstairs and saw Rain knocking on the door like crazy.... And finally the door opened... Rain hugged Sky suddenly....)

Sky: Rain what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the university?
Rain: Are you alright? Did he do anything to you? Are you hurt..?

(Rain suddenly pulls up Sky's tshirt and examines him... He turns over Sky to see if he is injured anywhere... )

Sky: What are you taking about? I'm fine just a slight fever...
Rain: Really?
Sky: You checked me already... I'm fine..

(Rain sighs and falls on the floor on his knees... Sky notices the others...)

Sky: What are you guys doing here?
Pharm: Ask him... He scared the hell out of us?

(They all went inside the room and they explained what happened...)

Sky: My phone died and I put it for charging.... I had a slight fever so i took medicine and falled asleep that's why I couldn't take your calls... Sorry everyone... You got in trouble because of me....

(Pai hugs Sky...)

Pai: No matter what... Pick up your Phone from now on... Do you know how worried i was?
Sky: Sorry P'Pai for making you worried... I'll pick up my phone from now on... I promise....

(Rain looks at Sky and Pai and smiles then at Dean and Pharm....)

Rain:(they look so happy with their loved ones.... I don't deserve this happiness...)

(Rain then looks at Payu who is smiling at Pai... Then he looks at Rain... Both of their eyes get locked with each other...)

Rain:(Sorry for hurting you... But you deserve someone better... You don't deserve to be with someone like me...)

(Then they hear a knock on the door and Pai sits beside Sky... Their mom comes in with some snacks and drinks...)

Mom: Hii kids I bought some snacks for you guys...
Pharm: Thanks Aunty... Let me introduce them... This is P'Pai. This is P'Payu and this is P'Dean... They are from the business Faculty... This is Aunty Lov... Sky and Rain's mother...
Pai: Nice to meet you Aunty...
Mom: Nice to meet you too kids... Didn't you guys have class today?
Dean: We did but then we heard Sky is sick so we came to visit him...
Mom: it's so nice of you guys... Thanks for Visiting...

(Then she looks at Rain who has been looking at the floor all this time.. )

Mom: Haven't seen you for long Rain...
Rain: Mm... I've some things to deal with... I'll leave now...

(Rain gets up to leave but his mother grabs his hand and makes him stop...)

Mom: You will be here this weekend right?

(Rain is not looking at his mother and staying silent... She let go of Rain's hand... Everyone looks at each other there is tension in the whole room... Sky looks at his mother then at Rain and sighs sadly... Rain's back is facing everyone..)

Mom:(sad)It's okay if you can't make it.. just let me know so I can prepare food for you...
Rain: I... I'll come...

(Her face lit up... So does Sky's...)

Mom:(excited) you sure? You will come right....
Rain:(smiles)Mm... I'll come... Mom

(Rain's mother gets tears up seeing Rain smile and calling her mom sweetly... She missed it... She god damn missed him calling her Mom so sweetly... She hugs Rain and cries...)

Mom: Thank you Rain..thank you for everything....
Rain: Don't Cry.... You are making all of us sad too...
Mom: I love you Rain...
Rain: I know.... I love you too Mom...

(They break the hug..)

Mom: You guys stay for lunch okay?
Payu: It's okay aunty we don't want to trouble you...
Mom: It's no trouble... I'm happy to do these....

(They all had lunch together and talked with each other.... Lov invited them for her birthday at the weekend... After lunch everyone left...)

Dean: What are you thinking?
Pharm: About Rain... How he behaved today morning...
Pai: I was thinking about it too... It was as if someone kidnapped Sky...
Payu: he seems overprotective of him...
Pharm: yeh.. he has been like this since the time I know him...
Pai: How long as it been since you guys know each other?
Pharm: Since high school.... We were in the same class...
Payu: Can you tell as about your school life with them...?
Dean: I want to hear too..
Pai: me too...
Pharm: So I transferred to the high school in my 1st year and we all were in the same class... Rain and I were deskmates and Sky sat in front of us... Rain sleeps during whole day and gets up for meals and during gym... As for Sky he is a brilliant student and class representative....
Pai: My sky is so smart... Doesn't Rain gets in trouble for sleeping in the class?
Pharm: Although he sleeps in the class... He ranks 1st during the exam and he used to win prizes in sports too so the teachers didn't say anything...
Dean: Whoa! He is quite good...
Pharm: When I just transferred there... There were some seniors who bullied me... They used to bully me saying I looked like a delicate girl and all... One day Sky and Rain saw them bulling me... And they saved me from there... Next day I got to know that... They were all suspended including Rain... I asked Sky about it and he told me that... After Rain send me and Sky home... He went meet them and got into a fight and they got suspended....
Payu: Rain used to fight?
Rain: I am not sure about this... I have seen wounds on his body many times but he never told me how he got them... He mostly fight when someone bullys me or Sky... That's why I said he is overprotective... Rain loses his senses when someone messes with us...
Dean: you guys have a quite nice caring friend....
Pharm: Mm.. he is a caring person... I just hope he will get someone who will care for him too...

(Payu feels sad hearing Pharm's words.. Dean and Pai look at him..)

Pai: About that.... Has he dated anyone before?
Pharm: No... Many people have confessed to him both men and women but he ignores them and doesn't acknowledge their feelings ...he doesn't even bothers to reject them....
Dean: Do you know why he is like this?
Pharm: I don't.. from the time I have known him he is like this...
Payu: Does he have any problems with his family?
Pharm: I think so... Rain never talks about his family... And Sky doesn't dare bring up about it in front of him unless it's necessary....

(During midnight in the Park.... Rain is looking at the stairs laying on the bench... When a guy approaches him..)

V: Sleeping?
Rain: Ohh...Hi Mr.V long time no see...
V: Mm...

(Rain gets up and V sits beside Rain..)

V: Got beaten up again?
Rain: No...
V: Then?
Rain: I hurt someone...
V: Who?
Rain: The person I like....
V: If you like him then why did you hurt him?
Rain: Because he likes me....
V:(confused) What? Care to share?

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