chapter -29

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Rain's POV

I came back to my room after everything that happened.... I tried to sleep but I couldn't... I haven't slept peacefully ever since he left... I thought I'll get over it once he is back but he gave me a shock and I ended up getting heartbroken... I felt as if I'm a fool who waited for him all these years in the name of love when he was giving all his love to someone else... I couldn't sleep because these thoughts kept coming to me and I chose to go out to get some fresh air... I went to the beach and sat there looking at the waves... I was so immersed by my thoughts that I didn't realise Sun sitting beside me... I looked at her but both of us didn't say a word and we kept looking at the waves... Sun is closest to me after Dad... Because she knew about the park me and Dad used to go.... And in the end she also became a person whom I share my feelings with... She was the same she shares her feelings with both me and dad... 3 of us were each other's comfort zone....

Sun: You okay?
Rain: Yeh... I guess...
Sun: About him.... What are you gonna do?
Rain: I don't want to be like this anymore.... I wasted my time in the name of love all these years and in the end I got hurt... It has always been like this... Fate has always been harsh towards me... First I lost my parents... Then I got abused by my adopted parent... Then my lover left me and came back with someone else... It's always been like this... I always end up getting fucked up... I'm getting used to it... Whether we end up together or not I don't think it will change anything... I won't be able to do it... I don't want to take a chance again... Because I am afraid I'll die this time....

Sun wiped the tears from my face.... I didn't know that my tears were flowing from my face... She smiled at me and gave me a nod... It was like she was encouraging me to let it out.... And I did... Everything that I have been keeping inside me all these years flowed through me.... She hugged me and I grabbed her tightly afraid that she will leave but she didn't she pulled me into a more tight embrace.....

(Meanwhile in Payu's room)

Payu's POV

Payu: I'm so happy to sleep with you again Pa....

I hugged him tightly....

Pete: Me to my baby Venice...
Payu: But no one asked you to come...

I glared at my left side were my Dad was laying looking at us...

Vegas: Bastard if you haven't forgotten I'm your dad and the one you are hugging is my husband... Wherever he goes I'll go too... And don't hug him like that he is mine you brat!!
Payu: Pa see how he is talking to me.....

I complained to Pa and he glared at Dad and that made dad shut his mouth and I smirked at him he was about to say something but dad warned him and he started sulking...

Payu: My Pa is the best...

I hugged him tighter... I feel at ease when I hug my Pa...

Pete: Your dad is jealous because you are only giving me attention...
Vegas: I'm not jealous... And I don't need his attention...

I looked at Dad who just turned to the other side his back facing us.. I smile at Pa and he did the same and I went and hugged Dad...

Vegas: What the hell?

Dad was yelling but he didn't take my hands off him...

Pete: Just Stop pretending Vegas... Come here...

Dad obediently moved closer.... I was laying between both my parents and they were hugging me from eachside...

Pete: I'm glad you are okay...
Vegas: I'm glad that I didn't kill you...
Pete: Vegas!!
Vegas: What? He bought that bitch over and said all that shit and hurted my kitty... He should thank me for not killing him....

He was right... I was worng to do all those... But he is my kitty not yours... I don't dare to say it on his face or else I'm sure that he will kill me this time..

Pete: But he lost his memory...

Dad was about to say something but a glare from Pa stopped him and I chuckled... I really missed them..

Payu: I love you guys... And I really missed you...
Pete: We all did too...

Then we heard a knock on the door and the door opened and revealing Paris standing there looking at us...

Paris: Mind if I join?
Payu: Come princess...

She then got over and layed down between me and Dad... She loves hugging dad So does he because he spoils her the most.... She hugged me and dad hugged both of us....

Pete: What about Sun?
Paris: I wanted to join you guys and she guessed it and told me to go and she went to accompany P'Rain....
Payu: Has he gone to bed?
Paris: Not yet... He was sitting by the beach... Don't worry Sun will take him to bed...

I don't know why but I am getting really jealous of her... I don't like her getting close to both Rain and Paris... I know she is Paris husband but my brother instincts kick me.... And I feel like killing her when she is close to Rain.... He is my kitty.... I don't want to share him...

Paris: it's been so long since the four for us slept together...
Pete: Yeh...
Payu: Do you think we will get back together?

My question bought a sudden silence in the room...

Pete: We don't know Son.... But  no matter what if you guys get together or not he is our son and he will always be our family..
Vegas: Actually I asked him.. If one day when your memories came back and you wanted him.. what will he do?

Dad's words got me excited and in the same time scared me... I don't know why but I think I won't like the rest he is going to say...

Vegas: He said he won't... Because you choose her over him... Even though you lost your memories you knew there was someone waiting for you back home but you chose to ignore him and stay with her... That you never choose him... the love and all that waiting was nothing to you....And he doesn't want to get hurt again...

Dad words were like stabbing me... He is right... I ignored him... I was not here when he needed me.. I left against his will but still  he waited for me all these years... I knew there was someone waiting for me back at home and I didn't care.. I chose her because I loved her... I didn't think that there was someone who was loving me and waiting for me too and how much my decision will hurt him... I hurt him... I was the one who destroyed our relationship....

Paris: Don't worry Hia... Everything will be alright... You need rest now.... We can talk about the rest tomorrow...
Pete: yeh... You should go to sleep...
Payu: Okay...

They are right... I'm really tired and having a headache because of all the things that happened and because of getting my memories back... I need a good sleep after I wake up I'll deal with everything.... I'll try my best to make everything right...

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