chapter -24

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(During dinner.....)

Kim: Where is Sun and Min?
Kao: They got a few calls from work... They are dealing with it... They will be here soon....
Payu: How is the work going?
Kinn: Pretty good... With the help of the kids it's even better and Having Sun and Kay is more of a blessing....
Payu: Yeh... By the way you haven't told me about your husbands and the past....

(Payu knows that his sister and brothers are angry with him... But he wants to know everything about them... He wants to know everything that he has missed all these years.... They all look at each other...)

Miky: Where should we start?
Min: What are you guys talking about?

(Min and Sun join them....)

Tor: He asked us about our husbands and about the things he doesn't remember....
Aky: He met all of us in his 3rd year so he basically doesn't know any of us....
Pai: We met Rain and Sky during our 3rd and I fell in love with him at first sight so did you for Rain and we pursued them... And then we met Aky because his is Rain's best friend and Then I confessed and Sky accepted me and Rain rejected you....
Payu: Rejected me?

(Payu couldn't believe his ears... No one has ever rejected it instead everyone tried to make a move on him...)

Paris: I know what you are thinking but he Rejected You!!
Payu: Fine... Then?

(Everyone looked at each other and at Rain... Who was having his food and listening to the story with a smile... Payu saw everyone looking at Rain.... He wanted to know what happened after that.... Seeing Payu staring at Rain.... Rose held his hand and squeezed it....)

Payu: Why aren't you saying anything?
Kim: Then he saved your life...

(Payu couldn't understand Kim's words... But he knows Kim will never say something like this in a serious tone if it's not true...)

Payu: Uncle?
Pai: We had a party at our Mansion and Rain and Sky's family were our business partners so they came to... During the parts a waiter was about to shoot you when Rain came in between and got shot instead of you.... You were a crying mess.... We then took him to the hospital...
Top: He condition was serious.....

(Everyone looked at Top.... Who never speaks unless it's necessary or to control his wife....)

Top: I still remember how you begged me to save him....

(Top told him all about how he was abused and not in good health)

Pete: And then Aky came and you lashed out on him then Aky and Sky told everyone that his father was the one and you beat him up.....
Kinn: You proposed to Rain after that and then we got to know about...
Porsche: Miky and Aky dating and then you killed their father.....
Khun: After that you bought him home... All of were happy living together....
Chay: After a few months you told us about that plan of yours....
Kim: P'Top told you not to go because Rain's condition was not good...
Tor: We all told you.... Not to go...
Kao: But you didn't listen....
Paris: During that time... We met P'Sun and P'Kay... We persued them...
Min: Almost after 2 years  Dad Vegas and Pa Porsche found out about them....

(They told them how Vegas and Porsche found out about their partners...)

Aky: We dated for the next few years then after getting settled with our careers we got married....
Payu: Seems like I missed a lot...
Paris: Fuck you did!!
Sun: Paris!

(Sun gave a stern look and Paris didn't say anything more....)

Rose: Rain....

(Rain was having his food when he heard Rose calling him and he looked at her so did everyone.... Tears filled Rose's eyes....)

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