chapter -23

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(The next morning everyone gets ready and boards the Jet to a Private island.... Once they reached everyone went to their rooms and decided to meet at the beach later.... The sea and the beach are so beautiful... There is a little set up of a bar in the shade with numerous chairs and other things to rest and play..... Everyone was having drinks and enjoying themselves when they saw Payu coming with Rose hand in hand.... Everyone looked at Rain who was looking at Payu with an expressionless face... Like he doesn't give a fuck about them.... Payu and Rose joined them then Rose went to Pete....)

Rose:(nervous)Hi Khun Pete...
Pete:(smiles)Hi.. you need anything?
Rose:(nervous)No... I just thought we could have a small talk or something....

(Rose was really nervous but she had to talk to Pete if she wanted Payu.. because he really cares about his family.... Nothing is more important to him other than his own family so she needed them to accept her....)

Pete: What do you wanna talk about?
Rose: Like... anything....

(Rose tries to make conversation...but...)

Porsche: Pete!!! Come on let's get in the water....
Khun: Yehh... Pete come on....
Pete: coming.... Sorry I need to go....

(Pete gets up and joins them... Rose then saw Vegas who was looking at Pete... She was about to approach him when Kinn and Rain joined him... Vegas ruffled Rain's hair and he was pouting at them and they were smiling at his cute expression... Rose was really angry seeing Rain being close to Payu's family....)

Payu: You okay?

(Rose was glaring at Rain that she didn't realise Payu beside her....)

Rose: Yeh... Pretty much..
Payu: Be patient... They will like you...
Paris: They won't...

(Payu saw his sister and his cousins and their partners behind them...)

Payu: What do you mean?
Pai: She said they won't like her...
Min: They will never accept her...
Kao: not in the present nor in the future...
Tor: Never ever....

(Payu was shocked to hear his sister and brothers seriously saying something like this... Their partners nodded their heads and chuckled...)

Payu: They will...
Sky: They may like her but will never accept her as your partner...

(Payu glares at Sky who returned the glare....)

Aky: No use glaring at him...
Kay: He is right...
Sun: You are just wasting your time and energy....

(Payu gets angry hearing their words....)

Payu:(angry)I don't need your opinion to do anything....

(All of them have the same expression... "Do what you want I don't give a damn" Rose is fucking loosing her mind because of her anger but she keeps it in...)

(After that everyone went to their own world to enjoy.... Pai was sitting on the sand looking at his brothers and sisters and lover enjoying and playing in the water with their parents.... Payu came and sat beside Pai....)

Pai: What do you wanna say?
Payu: I just came to enjoy the view...
Pai: I know you are here to talk... So what is it?
Payu: About.... Rain ...
Pai: what about him?
Payu: About our Past and all...
Pai: I don't wanna remember those memories....
Payu: What do you mean..?
Pai: You don't know what happened... Can I ask you something?
Payu: What?
Pai: Why did you choose her even after knowing that someone is waiting for you back home?

(Pai looked at him... Payu was playing with his fingers and sitting quite...)

Payu: She was really broken after her father's death... She had no one to rely on other than me.,. She likes me so much... So do I....

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