chapter -10

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(After a while everyone left....)

Dean: Did you feel something weird?
Pai: You mean Sky's dad?
Payu: There was something... Aunty and Sky looked worried and was glancing at Rain time to time... But Rain he sat there with no emotions or expression as if he isn't there.....
Pharm: I am not sure but I think there are some problems with the family... Rain never talks about his dad nor does Sky... And I think Rain moved to the dorms to avoid him... He never goes back there...
Payu:(worried)I just hope everything is okay...

(Meanwhile at the house.... Rain enters the room... Mike looks at him and gets up from his seat and stands in front of his table and leans on it...)

Mike: You know what you did right? And you also know what's going to happen.....
Mike: Take your clothes off... And do what you are supposed to do....

(Rain takes his clothes off and goes near him and kneels down and untied Mike's pants... Mike grabs and pulls Rain's hair and slams his dick into his mouth... Rain chokes on it but Mike doesn't care he thrust into him fast and hard....)

Mike: Eyes..... on me you little slut... I... know you don't like... looking at me... But you have to.....

(Rain hates looking at what's happening to him but he has to....)

Mike:(moaning) doing...good... a...slut...

(After a few more thrust he came all into his mouth and Rain choked on it and spit it out.. and coughs.... Mike grabbed him by the hair....)

Mike: We are not done yet.... Go into the room and lay down....

(Rain goes into the room and lays down... Mike comes and ties his hands and legs on the edge of the bed....)

Mike: Scream as much as you want okay?

(Mike gives an evil smile and takes a vibrator and a cock ring from the shelf... He pushes the vibrator into Rain without preparing him and some blood comes out of his ass... And he puts it cock ring on him.... And then turns on the vibrator.... Rain tried to control himself but at last he couldn't he started moaning....)

Rain: Ple..ase...I..can' please...
Mike: Ohh it hurts? It's supposed to hurt Rain.... Don't worry I have more for you....

(He grins seeing Rain in that state and opens the drawer beside the bed and takes out a candle and lit it..... And he bought it close to Rain's chest and poured it's hot wax in the middle of his chest....)

Rain: Ahhhh!!!!

(Rain started screaming because his skin was burnt because of the wax... He was trying to release himself but he couldn't.... Mike started pouring more onto Rain's stomach and thighs....)

Mike: If I pour it on your nipple will it make you feel good?

(Mike smiles at Rain and pours the hot wax on his nipples... Rain cries his lungs out tears are flowing from his eyes... His whole body is hurting... His ass,his dick,his chest,nipples, stomach, thighs.. everywhere..... Mike then took off the vibrator and the ring and Rain came all over himself and he started breathing heavily.....)

Mike: There is more....

(Mike untied him and then again tied him in front of the mirror.... He asked Rain to bend... Now Rain is facing the mirror and Mike is standing in his back... Mike takes a small whip from the shelf and starts spanking Rain's butt.. he hit so hard that it turned red like blood and then he slammed his dick into him..)


(Mike thrust hard into Rain and came inside him... Then he untied Rain's hand and fell on the floor... Mike drags Rain beside the bed and ties him again... Rain is exhausted he couldn't even clearly see what's going on.... Mike then came in front of him with a battery and some cables....)

Mike: You know what Rain... When you didn't pick up my gave me a shock... And now.. I'm going to give you one...

(Just as he finished he attached the cable to Rain's stomach and he screamed... Mike was laughing seeing Rain in this state and he continued doing it...)

Mike: Now... We are going to get you marked.... Last time I marked you but they have fade away... So let's make some new ones....

(Mike took the chains and hung Rain from the ceiling and he took a whip with nails...and started hitting him with it.... He made wounds on Rain's whole body.... This continued till the next day..... Mike let him go in the evening... Rain called Aky to pick him up and bring the medicines then he took Rain to his dorm....)

Aky: At this rate I'll become a doctor... Are you studying to become a doctor or patient? Why are you still letting him do this to you? This son of a bitch!!!!
Rain: Stop nagging and help me with the medicines....
Aky: Please Rain.... I beg you.... I beg you please.... Don't... Don't do this... anymore....

(Suddenly the door of the room opens and Sky comes in... He cries seeing Rain laying naked with wounds all over him..)

Rain: Sky?
Sky: Let me do it...

(Sky started treating him...)

Sky: I'm moving out of home...
Rain: But Mom..?
Sky: She was the one who asked me to do it.... We can't see you being like this Rain.... Mom said no matter what you have to listen.... And told you not to go to dad anymore.... She will deal with him...
Rain: But...
Sky: No but Rain.... Mom said she will talk with him... And I'm moving out and trust me I'll protect myself and P'Pai will protect me... He won't be able to do anything to me... Now stop living for others and live for yourself Rain... Please Rain....

(Rain stays silent and Sky looks at his whole body and suddenly he starts to panic......)

Sky: Rain it?
Rain: No.. don't worry he... didn't....
Sky: Tell me the truth did he rape you?
Rain: No Sky..he didn't...he just beated me...

(Rain consoles Sky and he stops shivering...)

Rain: Sky I'm craving for some Korean food... Can you get me some?
Sky: Fine... I'll finish this and go....
Rain: Aky will do it.. just go.. I'm starving....
Sky: Fine....

(Sky leaves from there and Aky sits beside him...)

Aky: I didn't know Sky's condition is this  serious....
Rain: Now you understood why I didn't let him know.... Now get it done quickly before he comes...
Aky: Okay... So is everything going to end?
Rain: I guess so... I endure all this because I was afraid of Sky's safety but now he has P'Pai... He will protect him..
Aky: Then why don't you and Payu..?
Rain: No...
Aky: You love him.. and he does too..
Rain: Aky... I don't want him to be with someone like me... He deserves better... I can live like this... But I can't see him being with someone like me...
Aky: Just do as you wish....

(After 2 days Sky moved into the dorms... Lov talked with Mike and they had a fight but after knowing that Sky has someone now he backed off... He didn't want anyone to know his true self.... Like that Rain was free from him... After a week in Rain's dorm...)

Sky: Mom called me...
Rain: What did she say?
Sky: There is a function tomorrow night and we have to go together as a family...
Rain: I hate these types of parties....
Sky: Me too... But we have to go...
Rain: Mmm....

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