chapter -5

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(After a few days in the business facility...)

Pai: Do you wanna come?
Payu: Where are you going?
Pai: Tor forgot his phone at home... I'm going to his faculty...
Dean: Isn't he in the medical facility? Are you sure you are going to meet him?
Pai: Well I'm but I want to see someone else to....😊😊😊
Payu: I want to meet Rain too.... Let's go together....
Dean: Okay... Pharm told me they are in the study area with their juniors...
Payu:  I texted Paris.. she said they are also there...
Pai: So let's go then...

(In the medical facility.... Paris and Tor are sitting on a beach and reading books...)

Pai: Here you go...
Tor: Thanks Phii...
Payu: So how are your studies going...
Paris: Hectic....
Pai: Study hard love...
Dean: Where are your seniors?
Paris: They went to get us some drinks...
Payu: You guys carry on... We have to meet someone else...
Tor: Okay...

(Pai and the others were about to leave when they saw Rain, Pharm and Sky approaching them with some drinks...)

Pharm:What are you guys doing here?
Paris: You guys know each other...
Rain: Mm...
Sky: you didn't answer...
Tor: They are our brothers...
Sky: Brothers?
Paris: More like cousins....
Pai: Let me introduce... Paris is Payu's younger sister which means my cousin and Tor is our younger cousin too...
Tor: How do you guys know each other?
Sky: Pharm is Dean's boyfriend... So we just got to know each other....
Payu: So they are your seniors who is helping you guys in the study?
Paris: Yep...
Pai: Good to know... By the way Sky are you free in the evening? Want to have dinner with me?
Sky:(cold) Not intrested...
Pai:(puppy eyes 🥺) Why are you so cold to me Sky?
Sky: Because you are so annoying....
Pai: 🥺 Then how lunch today? Please
Sky: Fine...

(Sky smiles a bit but no one notices it except Rain.... Rain smirks seeing Sky smiling.... Rain sees Payu looking at him and showing off his loving eyes but Rain ignores it....)

(After a few days... In a restaurant... Rain,Sky and Pharm are waiting for Dean and the others...)

Rain: Sky...
Sky: Yes...
Rain: I want to ask you something...
Sky: Sure...
Rain: Do you like P'Pai?
Sky:(shuttering) saying...? I.I. don't...
Pharm: You do.... You are so obvious and now this shuttering confirms it...
Sky: Do you think he knows?
Rain: He is like a fool in love... I don't think he noticed it because you always give his a cold shoulder....
Sky: I.. don't know what to do...
Rain: Sky.. answer my questions.... Are you really annoyed when he appears in front of you?
Sky: No...
Rain: Do you think of him when he is not with you?
Sky: I do...
Rain: Do you feel angry when you see him with someone smiling or chatting or something?
Sky: I do...
Pharm: See you like him... More like he fall for you and you falled harder...
Rain: If you like him then tell him...
Sky: Are you okay with us being in a relationship?
Rain: What does it have to do with me?
Sky: I just want your opinion...
Rain: As far as I know...he is a nice guy...and he really likes you... I'm okay with your relationship... But if he ever hurts you just tell me... I'll break his bones.. and cut his dick off...

(Pharm and Sky started laughing hearing Rain's words.... Meanwhile Dean and the others approached them...)

Pai: Hi cute Sky..
Sky:(blushes) shut up!

(Pharm and Rain look at each other and smile...)

Dean: Have you guys ordered yet?
Pharm: No...
Payu: Waiter!!

(Then they made their order and we're waiting for it... Then Rain looked at Pharm and nodded and Pharm did the same...)

Pharm: P'Dean... I saw a cute necklace in the store outside... Can we go and take a look?
Dean: Now? Let's go after eating okay?
Pharm: But the waiter said that the food will come a bit late... Let's go and take a quick look please....
Dean: Okay... We will be right back...
Payu: Okay...

(Pharm and Dean left.... The Rain stood up...)

Rain: I'm going out for a smoke...
Sky: Okay...
Rain: P'Payu.. do you mind coming with me?
Payu: Me? I don't smoke...
Rain: I know... I was just asking you to accompany me...
Pai:(whispers) just goo... You got a chance to talk to him alone... Don't waste it go...
Payu: Okay.. I am coming....

(Payu stood up and went to Rain... Rain then went and leaned towards Pai and whispered in his ears...)

Rain:(whispers) I'm giving you a chance
.. use it wisely... Don't make it complicated...just be simple and show him you are sincere make him believe in your feelings.... But if you ever hurt him... I'll make sure you won't be able to face anyone anymore...
Pai:(smiles and nods at Rain..)

(Rain and Payu went to the backside of  the restaurant... Rain took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it and started smoking....)

Payu: What did you tell Pai?
Rain: Told him to be simple and sincere and that I am rooting for him...
Payu: That means you are okay with them being in a relationship?
Rain: Yep... As long a he is happy...
Payu: Aren't you a medical student? Don't you know smoking is bad for health?
Rain: So What? Aren't doctors humans? We drink alcohol knowing that it's bad for health....
Payu:(stern) but it's not good for health... I just want you to be healthy...
Rain:(smiles) I know... Don't worry I don't smoke often I know my limits... And it helps me relax when I am tensed so...
Payu: Okay... But don't smoke to much...
Rain: Mmm...

(Rain just leans on the wall and looks at the Sky while smoking.... Payu keeps looking at Rain then....)

Payu: Rain... I need to tell you something....

(Payu keeps looking at Rain reading all his expressions....)

Rain: Okay.. say it...
Payu: Rain...I like you...

(Rain smiles and chuckles....)

Payu: I'm not messing with you... I'm serious... I like you.... I want you to be my Boyfriend...
Rain:I know Phii...

(Rain doesn't move an inch he is still looking at the Sky and smoking with a smile on his face..)

Rain: I know you like me for a long time... I got a hunch about it before you came to visit me when i was sick.....
Payu: So what is your answer?

(Rain keeps his posture.... Payu is still staring at him)

Rain: P'Payu... Do you want to sleep with me?
Payu:(shocked) What?!!!!
Rain: I mean... Do you want to have sex with me? To be more precise.... Do you wanna fuck me?
Payu: I like you Rain... But not for sex... I mean.. I want to date you and we could think about these... Or if you want me to do it now... I'm okay with it...
Rain: Phiii.... I don't sleep with a person twice.... I guess you know what I mean...
Payu: I don't...

(Rain throws the cigarette down and steps on it and looks at Payu...)

Rain: I'm not interested in relationship Phi... I just like one night stand... For me it's just sex... Nothing else.... And as I told you I won't have sex with the same person twice... I'm sorry Phiii....

(Rain pats on Payu's shoulder and leaves.... Payu is looking down.....)

Payu: wait!!

(Rain stops his steps....Payu looks at Rain.... Rain's back is facing Payu...)

Payu: So you never liked me? Tell me... After this I'll never ask you about this... I'll pretend like this never happened...
Rain: I don't Phii... I'm sorry... Take your time and joins us later.... Don't let our things affect them...

(Saying this Rain goes back to the restaurant..... Payu stays there for some more time and then joins the others....)

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